Part 10

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I love you all okay?

Keep your head up sunshines.

This picks up right after chapter 7 so you might want to go back and read that if it's been a while.:)


"You can see color?" Harry's astonishment must have shown through his voice because Zayn shrunk back and wrapped his arms around his waist protectively. "Hey," Harry put a hand on the boy's shoulder, "It's okay. You don't have to tell me about it if you don't want to. I'm only a bit curious. If you aren't comfortable with telling me, don't worry." When it came to being understanding, Harry prided himself on being the best. He knew what it was like to keep things inside and how hard it was to let those things out once you had someone to listen to.

Zayn looked up at Harry slowly, "I can tell you. It's not exactly a secret. I just... need somewhere quiet and secluded. I don't fancy the thought of having someone totally undeserving to hear the trials and tribulations of my life." He laughed quietly with his hand in front of his mouth like he hated the way he smiled.

Harry grinned, "We have a free block right before lunch, so do you want to talk in the still life studio?" Because Harry's school was so fancy, they had an entire studio filled with plants and objects for the art students to use as models. The atmosphere in there was very soothing and isolating. You felt like no one else existed but you when you were in there. Harry usually spent his frees in there unless there was a class which only happened in the time right before christmas break when the art foundations class was working on photography.

The other boy's amber eyes sparked with excitement, "Sure! I'd love to. I've never been in a still life studio before and it seems cool and so do you and I just really want to get to know you because every other person who I've tried to talk to is a jerk and-" Zayn covered his mouth with his hand and glanced sheepishly up at Harry, who was a good four inches taller than him. "Sorry, I tend to ramble when I'm excited." The blush that coated his cheeks was a nice rose color.

Smiling, Harry said, "It's totally fine, Zayn. I do it myself. Except I usually do it when I'm nervous." Harry patted the smaller boy's back lightly. "You'll find that I won't judge you unless you judge me first." That lifted Zayn's spirits. He had never been fully accepted by another human. There was always a small part of him that they didn't like or tried to change.

"Thank you, Harry. Really, it means a lot," Zayn was as sincere as could be. Harry was going to be his first real friend. Maybe even more than a friend, Harry was very attractive after all.

The bell rang and Harry set his hand on Zayn's middle back, "Let's go to algebra." The two walked by Harry's homeroom desk and grabbed his messenger bag. The school-issued laptop clunked against Zayn's legs. Harry was so much taller than him that what felt comfortable against his hips was slung awkwardly around Zayn's torso almost down to his knees. They walked side-by-side up the three flights of stairs to their classroom. Each time they passed a room, Harry would talk about which teacher was in that room or the memories from freshman year in there. The shorter boy loved it. His new friend was so passionate about school and he tried his hardest to make Zayn feel like this wasn't his first day.

"We're here," Harry grinned as they stepped inside a room. "This is Ms. Petrek's room. She's pretty chill, but we have math homework every night." Calmly, Harry strolled up to the small woman with curly hair with Zayn in tow. "Hey Ms. P, this is Zayn- What's your last name?" Harry awkwardly rubs his neck as Zayn lets out a small chuckle.

"Hello, Ms. Petrek," Zayn held out a small hand, "I'm Zayn Malik. Today's my first day." She shook his hand warmly and grinned at him.

"Welcome to Honors Algebra 2! I'm sure that you'll fit in just fine. Are you a sophomore?"

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