Part 13

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I have exciting news!

This girl got a trip to paris for her birthday! YAS

That's all :)


Louis was finally leaving the hospital. He had been in the wretched room for days without anything except a TV from the stone age to keep him company. Niall had come in a few times, but the older man did have a job, so he couldn't spend every waking moment entertaining Louis. Louis had also heard from the nurses that a boy with curly brown hair had been there each day too. This broke Louis's heart, but he couldn't bear to look at Harry. Every time he did, he saw Harry's arm around that attractive boy. Louis knew he could never compare to such beauty.

He had found out on the second day that the head wound he had sustained caused lesions on the visual cortex. The visual cortex was in the back of his head, right where he had banged it against the ground, and controlled the eyes and also the processing of the visual information. The way Louis had hit his head caused minor damage to the brain; however, it was enough to cause a change in his eyesight. The boy now had to wear glasses.

Louis was fixing his hair when a nurse knocked on his door and said, "Louis? Your father and Niall are here. Do you need a wheelchair?"

"No," Louis called back, "But could you tell my dad that I-I can't see him?" Louis felt awful, but the terror inside of him overruled any outside influences. Tears gathered in Louis's eyes for what seemed like the thousandth time in the last three days. The nurse nodded and gave Louis a patronizing smile. She left and Louis could only glare at her back. A few moments later, another knock sounded on his door. Niall popped his head in and sent Louis a small, but reassuring, smile.

"Ready to go?" Niall asked kindly. He didn't want to push the boy. Yesterday, Niall had explained to Louis's father what Louis wanted to do. Although he was reluctant, Louis's dad said yes to his son staying at Niall's for the time being. The blond had promised him that he would organize the doctor and therapy visits. The emergency room doctors suggested that Louis start therapy and even provided a list of suggested counselors for rape victims. One of them specialized in minors and that's who Louis had an appointment with.

When Louis's father put Niall as a primary contact for Louis, the doctors started to talk to him about therapy options with Mr. Tomlinson. At first, the doctors had suggested to put Louis in a mental health facility for a while, just until they were sure there wasn't anything that changed drastically. Some rape victims grew violent, suicidal, angry, and some had substance abuse issues. They wanted to make sure Louis didn't do anything drastic in the immediate aftermath of the sexual assault. However, Louis's father didn't think that was necessary. He said Louis was a strong boy and would be okay with the help of a therapist and his family.

"Let's go Niall," Louis said. He tried to smile at the boy, but he just couldn't. "Do you have my stuff with you?" He really didn't want to have to go back home to get it. The risk of seeing his dad was too high there.

Niall nodded, "Yeah, I got it Lou. Come on, my car is waiting." Niall showed his white teeth and held the door open for Louis. Even though Louis knew Niall, he was still hesitant to be very close to him. The boy inched his way through the door, being very careful not to touch the blond. After he emerged into the hallway, he cautiously stepped down the quiet passage.

The two walked down the hallway. Louis trailed behind Niall like a lost puppy, but he was careful not to lose him in the groups of people they came across. The pair continued around the huge hospital until they came to an elevator. Louis's breath hitched. He would be in a private place with another man. Memories flashed before his eyes and he stumbled a bit. Niall turned around and his eyes widened at the boy.

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