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Clara's POV

The night of the shake was the longest night we've had in the glade so far and it all started with the screech of a griever. It echoed through the glade like death and hung in the air a second before causing the initial round of panic. As soon as it happened and Gally dropped me everything afterwards seemed to happen so fast. The second my head hit the ground my body was already working to pull me back to my feet so I hadn't noticed Newt charging at Gally. Minho yanked me out of the way and wrapped his arm around me so I wouldn't intervene. We stood there for a long few seconds before there were distant calls for medjacks. My feet reacted before I did. Before I knew what was happening I had already halved the distance from where Gally and Newt still wrestled one another to where the screams were coming from. I crossed the threshold into the homestead and froze.

My eyes instantly landed on the injured Winston who was already being slowly lifted from the floor. His leg was completely destroyed and there wasn't a doubt in my mind he would be limping like Newt after all of this was over.

His screams of pain pierced the air and it took everyone a moment to recover from the horrific sound. After they pulled Winston up I noticed another body below him. A much smaller body. My heart pounded furiously in my chest as I saw the very pale Chuck laying in a puddle of what was hopefully only Winston's blood. Any hope I had felt drained the second I tried to lift Chuck. There was a large gash on the back of his head, most likely where he hit one of the steps. My trembling arms pulled him closer to me and all I could focus on was if he was still alive or not. My palms were sweaty as I leaned down closer to him to listen for a heartbeat or a breath of air escaping his slightly parted lips. I sighed a breath of relief when I felt the soft air hitting my hair. At least he was still alive.

My hands, shaking more than I had realized, clutched Chuck's shirt desperately as I started to gently shake him. "Come on Chuckie wake up!" I cringed at the desperateness in my voice but when Chuck didn't move it amplified my fear.

"What happened?"

I didn't need to look up to know Jeff had finally come in. "I guess Winston was on the roof when the shake happened and he fell on Chuck."

"Come on, we'll need your help."

I nodded absently to Jeff as he pulled Chuck up with the Clint's help. My eyes quickly scanned the crowd behind us, briefly touching on Newt, Thomas and Minho.

After they carried Chuck into the medihut they got him on a table next to Winston, who was still writhing in pain. I made my way over to him and patted his shoulder lightly. "Come on Winston, hang in there."

His frantic eyes met mine and he nodded silently as he struggled not to touch his leg. "Is Chuck alright?" His voice was breathy and there was sweat beading on his forehead as he tried to lean up to see Chuck.

My hand gently pushed him back and I shook my head at him. "Stay still. You don't want to move that around too much."

"He'll be fine." Clint said, answering Winston's question. I spun to face him, relief flooded through me when I saw his expression. If Clint thought he'd be okay then he should have a very good chance.

I smiled lightly at Winston, squeezing his shoulder gently, before I moved over to Chuck's side, grasping his hand tightly in my own. I brushed the curls from his forehead and my thumb grazed his cheek.

"Clara, I mean it. He'll be okay. Just most likely has a concussion and the fall knocked him out." Jeff spoke quietly so he wouldn't cause any more alarm than was already present. I looked at the door at the sound of approaching footsteps.

Minho, Newt, and Alby appeared, all breathless.

"What happened?" I asked the trio as they tried to regain their breath.

The Girl in the Glade // Twins Series {Book One}[UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Where stories live. Discover now