Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

It was Sunday night. The night Fallon had originally planned to get rid of William.

Fallon had spent the day working with Christopher on the track. Some of the uneven terrain had been put in, but there was still work to be done. Christopher had done a great job on her Charger. She had come in the morning in a dampened mood, but as soon as she saw her nicely cleaned car, her spirits rose.

Not only had Christopher cleaned the car, he showed her how he had fixed her car’s shocks, checked the brake pads, oil levels, pretty much everything. For some reason he had even cleaned the interior so that everything was pretty much organized. The Charger was ready for another round at the race track. Except Fallon had already agreed that Christopher would drive…so today during the test run she sat with him in the Shelby GT.

After going through the entire race course with him, Fallon couldn’t understand why he had been shouting so much about her driving. Her knuckles were white from holding onto the dashboard. He had made her driving look tame. Christopher had laughed as Fallon had slowly let go.

Fallon had driven home by herself afterwards. Her thoughts coming back to what she was about to do. Either she took the chance and left him, and Cheryl may or may not get hurt…or Fallon could keeps things going a little longer and figure out what was going on.

By the time Fallon had reached home, her mind had been made up. She entered the house quietly. Cheryl still hadn’t spoken to her since last night. Fallon found that upsetting. They had been friends and lived together for so long, and now this was happening.

Fallon hadn’t approached Cheryl at all this morning. Last night when Fallon went to get dinner she had tried to talk to Cheryl, but Cheryl just gave her the cold shoulder.

Fallon got ready by herself. She put on a dark green dress that reached her knees. It was simple and had pleats. She got out a black pair of heels, and put on some eyeliner and lip gloss, she also found a small purse. She grabbed a light coat and walked out of her room.

Fallon knew Cheryl was home. Her car was there. Yet throughout the house there was no sound except that of Fallon’s heels. Fallon hadn’t felt so alone since moving here until now. The fact her best friend was around but pissed off at her wasn’t comforting.

Fallon went outside to wait for William. She locked the door and sat on the steps. It was another beautiful spring day that was coming to an end. The sunset had left magnificent colors in the sky. Already the darkness of the night was creeping in.

Fallon sat by herself, all alone with her thoughts. She didn’t want to think right now. She had already made her choice and rethinking it would just make it harder to actually do. Fallon looked around and found the morning paper. Apparently Cheryl hadn’t gotten it.

Fallon got up and took it. She sat back down and opened it. There on the front page was another reason why she couldn’t risk thinking over her decision. ‘Santos scores double! Man Utd in lead!’ was the headline on the cover, underneath was a picture of Daniel scoring. This time however she didn’t skip the story. Fallon read the whole thing. Her mind was tired of running, it was about time things got back to normal. Starting with this. She may have missed Daniel a lot…but now she needed to get past that.

It was time that Fallon took care of herself. The only way she could help Cheryl was if she could help herself first. Fallon had finally found her resolve.

William’s car came onto the drive way. Fallon folded the paper and left it beside the door. She got up and went to the car. William greeted her with a smile. Fallon managed a smile back. Unfortunately tonight, she wouldn’t be breaking up with him.

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