Chapter Seven

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The next few days went by as a blur, but for Fallon things were starting to get bad. Daniel and Fallon had gone out a few times after the dinner, but this time they were followed by throngs of photographers who had never followed them before. It took Fallon a while to understand why they were being followed. It wasn’t just because she was an artist whose next album was being released in the coming week. It was because she was an artist dating a soccer player who was trying to switch teams.

Daniel had more of a fan base than Fallon had expected. She was used to the photographers shouting questions at them. Now added to that was a whole new issue she had to contend with. Daniel was being sought by everyone from photographers to crazed females and a few males.

It was putting a strain on both of them. They could barely go out or even go to either house, and since Fallon was not too happy about going to Miguel’s, they usually came to her house for dinner and a chance to relax. Now her house was under constant vigilance; and even Cheryl was starting to get annoyed.

As the days started to get closer to the release date, Fallon was being put under more pressure. Her performances were for television shows, she had a few morning show interviews, and she was being scheduled for radio interviews. She just looked forward to when she would see Daniel. Even that was starting to lose it’s appeal since they had been followed.

Daniel was loyally showing up to all the performances; he would even stay and chat with her while she was finishing homework and assignments.

Yet still at the back of her mind, Fallon couldn’t forget Miguel’s attitude towards her. She still thought that he didn’t really like her, or that he felt Daniel could have done better. Or maybe he thought it wasn’t in Daniel’s best interest to be involved with her. For whatever reason his words still echoed in her mind.

The day had finally come. It was at long last February 6th. ‘Beneath The Covers’ was a few short hours away from being in the hands of her fans. Fallon got up that morning. Her stomach was full of butterflies. She considered being absent…and then saying she was sick. Unfortunately by that time Cheryl had come in and given her the clothes for her CD signing, and then shoved her into the bathroom. By the time she had come out of her room Daniel was waiting for her on the couch.

Cheryl came out with some tea and cookies for them, but Fallon couldn’t eat anything and be expected to hold it down. Fallon tried to drink the tea, but gave up after feeling nauseous.

Daniel had driven all the way over just so he could wish Fallon luck. He wasn’t able to come with her to the mall where she would be signing; simply because he had to go to a few clubs with Miguel. Cheryl asked Daniel to join them for dinner that night. Daniel agreed.

“Good luck.” Daniel said as he gave Fallon a quick kiss. “Thanks, and good luck to you too; but I think I should save it until you visit United.” Fallon told him with a grin. “You know, you’re right. I didn’t really think of that. Anyway I’ll see you tonight for dinner.” He laughed. Daniel said goodbye to the two girls and left for his own errands.

“Come on Fallon, we have to leave now. We’ll be late if we don’t.” Cheryl said to Fallon. Fallon slowly got up and got her coat. “Okay, but I get my car to drive.” Fallon told Cheryl. “Fine, let’s go.” She agreed. The two girls left the house, only to be photographed. Fallon started her black Dodge Charger. The only comforts she would be looking forward to would be driving and dinner with Daniel.

Fallon was seated by an enlarged picture of her album cover. She was actually surprised to see how many people had come out for her. As the line of people started to pass by her, she was engulfed with questions and signing the album. There were a number of people who had come to ask her about Daniel. For those people she simply smiled. The rest wanted to know her next single, or what she liked. Trivial things really, what I like…- She thought to herself. The crowd had been quiet for the longest time about Daniel.

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