Chapter Forty Five

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Chapter Forty Five

For the first few days, Fallon had been in shock. She couldn’t understand why she had gotten the axe. Craig had tried to explain to a numb Fallon on the phone, but it hadn’t made any sense to her.

“Fallon, it’s not because you were a dreadful artist. The board went through all the artists, their profiles, their sales, everything. They wanted to make room on the roster for a few new artists and maybe a couple of groups. Since Lonestar doesn’t really have very many bands.” He had explained. “What it came down to was that the sales for your previous albums weren’t able to compare to a few of the other artists. Actually what it came down to was that Phil wasn’t around…he had a lot of influence…they cut you and few others that had Phil standing by their side.” He told her. He too felt the loss that came with Phil’s demise.

“I’m really sorry Fallon. Look at it this way, now you have more time to work on the album…you’ll be able to put out a better one than you thought. Hopefully either you’ll get signed or I’ll figure something out before the New Year. So just keep in touch.” Craig had said to her before ending the call. Fallon had just stood there in shock.

“What was that about?” Cheryl was the first to speak. Fallon couldn’t get the words out. “She’s been dropped from the label.” Christopher said. “What? Is that true?” Cheryl asked Fallon. Fallon nodded. The words had escaped her again. “Why?” Cheryl persisted. Fallon took a moment and found her voice. “My sales record compared to other artists wasn’t as good…they needed space on the roster for new artists and bands…so I got the chop.” She managed to get all the words out. “I’m so sorry Fallon.” Cheryl said, she reached to give Fallon a hug, but Fallon turned away. “I need a minute.” She left them both standing in confusion.

Fallon headed for her library. It was away from everything. When she opened the door she found her library shaded from the sun. It was dark, but there was enough light to see where everything was. She didn’t bother to turn on the lights, the darkness suited her mood.

She sat on the bean bag…leaning into it. How could this have happened? Fallon had always been paranoid at the beginning. She had just started to relax and now she had been axed. Four albums and many singles later…she was done. She had just released the single from her upcoming album…how would she release the album now? It was like driving along a road that had a sign to lead somewhere and suddenly winding up at a dead end.

Fallon put her head in her hands. Things would be fine. The house would be fine. She had managed to take care of that problem last year. She had enough saved. Her tuition had been paid, her books had been bought, and she would be alright. Everything would be alright…she hoped.

Fallon resolutely settled onto releasing this album. I don’t care if I have to do it on my own…- She thought determinedly. How would she fund it? It was then that the answer hit her. Phil!...- She remembered. All those months ago…when she and Christopher had gone to the lawyers…they had told her. He had made sure that if ever she needed, there would be funds available to her to move forward with her career.

Her heart lightened at the thought. She wasn’t completely alone after all. Phil had taken care of her yet again. All of a sudden she felt the urge to rush up to her room and see what the letter held in store for her future.

She got up in a hurry and went to open the door. As she opened it she found a bewildered looking Christopher about to knock. “Are you okay?” He asked her in concern. Fallon didn’t have to think of an answer. “I’m fine.” She said quickly, rushing up the stairs to her room. Once she was in she locked the door. She didn’t need any one to pry.

Going into her closet she found the letter…exactly where she had left it. Taking a deep breath to prepare herself; Fallon opened the letter. She sat down in her closet before unfolding the paper. She slowly unfolded it and started to read:

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