Chapter Forty

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Chapter Forty

With Fallon on tour, there was little time to do anything else. Most days Fallon was too tired. Usually the day after a concert, Fallon would rest and relax. The few days that she would get off, Fallon would spend on the track…or doing any activity that didn’t require too much energy.

The tour had been going on successfully. Nothing had gone wrong so far. The arenas had been full. Fallon couldn’t get past how many people had actually come. It surprised her each time.

Along with her on tour were both William and Christopher, and on some days even Cheryl came along. Fallon didn’t mind them as long as they weren’t hovering over her. She was tired of having to deal with their concerns. As much as she appreciated it…she was fine now. Even the doctor had told Fallon she could take the pills every other day. Another surprise was that the flowers kept on coming.

With everything going smoothly, soon Fallon settled into a routine. The exhaustion had become manageable.

Today was one of Fallon’s days off. She was driving to the store to pick up some groceries on her own. She had dealt with both William and Christopher. They had come over to ask if she wanted to go to the track. Fallon had been about to start her car when they had rapped her window.

“Fallon, we’re racing at the track. Do you want to come?” Christopher had asked once Fallon had pressed the button for her power window to go down. “Nope, not today.” Fallon had told him. “What?” William had asked loudly. “You never miss an opportunity to kill us on the track.” Christopher had told her. “Yea, well I need to do some stuff, and you guys need a break. I’ll see you both later.” She told them, finally starting the car. “Wait! We’re coming!” William had scrambled up to her window to say this. Fallon was too fast for the both of them. “No, you’re not!” Fallon said she hit the power-locks as Christopher made to grab the door. “I’m going for some alone time. See you both later!” She said with a wicked smile, pressing the button to make the window go up. She drove away from the guys. They looked quite irritated. They’ll get over it…-Fallon thought as she drove off.

Fallon had been going around a strip of stores for the last hour. She finally sat down on a bench to see what she had left to purchase. “Fruits, bread, milk, and chocolate spread…” Fallon read off of her list. Fallon sorted through her bags to see if there was anything else she was missing, when abruptly someone sat down.

“Sorry…” Fallon muttered quickly, as she moved her bags away from the person. “Not as sorry as I am.” It was a man’s voice.

Fallon looked up to see a morose Miguel. “Hello to you too…” She said…trying to act as though seeing him was nothing. Miguel looked at her. Fallon didn’t back down, and stared right back at him. “I should get going…I would say it was nice seeing you…but that would be lying.” Fallon said as she started to get up and gather her bags.

“Wait a minute. Aren’t you going to ask about Daniel and how he is?” Miguel asked. He looked slightly puzzled. Fallon thought about it before answering him. “Nope.” She said trying to be nonchalant. “Why not?” He asked her sounding puzzled. “Had I been the one to break up with him…maybe I would ask. Since I wasn’t…I don’t think I will. Besides you already know how he is.” She said sorting through her bags as she took hold of them and got up.

“Actually…I don’t.” Miguel said. Fallon looked up at him. That was news to her. He was Daniel’s cousin…they both lived together. How could he not know how Daniel was? Fallon may have been in another country but even then she knew what was going on back home with her family and cousins.

“Why are you telling me this?” Fallon asked the one question that was bothering her. “Because I thought maybe you could talk to him for me.” Miguel told her. “What? Why would I do that?” Fallon asked. “I’m betting you were the one who told Daniel that I was the problem. Why would I want to help you?” Fallon told him, she couldn’t believe he would think that she would help him after how he treated her.

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