Chapter Thirty Eight

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Chapter Thirty Eight

It had been a week since Fallon and William had begun to hang out. Although they hadn’t gone out together every single day, Fallon had noticed that he had indeed changed. He wasn’t pushy, and he was taking no for an answer. They had started to become friends. Fallon noticed that they shared some interests. Both William and Fallon loved books, he even showed her his massive collection. They shared some classic favorites such as ‘Atonement’ and ‘Pride & Prejudice’; they also shared some other books like ‘Prescription for Disaster’. This made Fallon believe that it had been William sending her the birthday gift and all those flowers.

The flowers had stopped for a few days, which had reassured her that maybe it was William…but then on Monday they had started up again. “I guess it’s not William.” Fallon said into the phone. Cheryl had finally managed to catch her. “Haven’t you been able to catch the guy yet?” Cheryl asked. Fallon sneezed. “Sorry. No I haven’t, I’ve tried checking at night but no one’s around. Some nights I come late because William and I go to the movies or something and I don’t get a chance to catch him. Hold on.” Fallon sneezed again. “Fallon, are you sure you’re not coming down with something?” Cheryl asked. Fallon could hear the concern in her voice. “Yea, I’m fine. I have to be…I have tour starting on Monday. It’s just a little sneezing.” Fallon said brushing it off. “Yea…like ten in the last five minutes.” Cheryl said in a serious tone.

“Well just take care of yourself.” Cheryl said, with a motherly tone. “Yea, yea…I will.” Fallon told her. “So how are things with Chris? Back to normal yet? Is he okay with William around again?” Cheryl asked. Fallon sighed. Cheryl had no idea that Christopher had gone on a trip. “Actually, Chris doesn’t know that William and I are friends.” Fallon said shortly. “How does he not know? He must wonder where you go some times…doesn’t he?” Cheryl asked. Fallon was quiet. “Fallon, what’s going on?” Cheryl asked. Fallon shook her head. Before she could speak, she sneezed again. “Excuse me. Well you see funny thing happened. When you left at the beginning of the week…before the single release…I had dinner with Chris the next day. He told me he was going camping. So he left the next day.” Fallon told her. Cheryl didn’t need to know how much that hurt.

“But you both are okay right?” Cheryl asked. “Sure, we’re good.” Fallon said, trying to convince them both. “You’re not so sure are you?” Cheryl said instinctively. “He left saying he needed time. I feel like such an idiot. I should have realized what was going on. He probably thought I was leading him on. He hates me…I know it.” Fallon said at last. She couldn’t keep everything to herself. Still she managed to spare Cheryl the scene she and Christopher had caused.

“He doesn’t hate you. If he did, he wouldn’t have come back. I’m sure he’ll be okay when he gets back from his trip. Things are bound to get better.” Cheryl said. It made Fallon feel a bit better.

“Enough about me, how is everything going in Tuscany?” Fallon asked, changing the subject. Cheryl shouldn’t have to worry about me…-Fallon thought. “It’s been amazing. I wish we could live here during the fall months, I wanted to see the grape harvest and the whole celebration.” Cheryl told her. “Yea, that sounds like a lot of fun.” Fallon agreed. “You and I are going to take a trip here together. You’ll see how these people are so relaxed. They work to live instead of it being the other way around. It’s so different.” Cheryl gushed. “It sounds like a great way to live.” Fallon said with a smile. Tuscany had to be beautiful. Cheryl went on about the scenery and how the villa looked. She was going to send pictures soon. Even Keith was contemplating buying the villa. Fallon was glad that the two of them were enjoying their trip so much.

By the time Fallon had hung up, she was experiencing a new symptom added with the sneezing. A runny nose. Fallon didn’t understand what was going on. She was usually pretty healthy. She got sick every once in a while…but this wasn’t what she usually experienced.

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