chapter 5

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Angels pov
Today is the day we hand in our art work.i was really exited. I arrived at my school but saddly art was at the end of the day.i saw my gang there and they all had there paintings.hey angel.
Hi guys
So who did you draw
Michael obviously
Ok me to actually all of us did
They showed me there painting and lets just say they cant draw at all.jessica drew my dad on the history tour it looked so bad, karen drew my dad in the bad music video and bob drew my dad at disny land.i dont want to be rude but they cant draw I can tnats my gift.jessica is amazing at English and karen is great at since but bob is the best at dancing.

We spent a whole day in stupid school and then art came.i was really excited I didn't show anyone my art before maam saw.we arrived in and maam called out the names according to the class list . Jessica went then after a while bob and then karen I was the only one left.i pulled out my drawing and showed itto maam.maams eyes grew big

Wow thats all I heard her say, she stood up and showed it to the class they were really amazed. They were cheering and claping I felt like my dad on stage. I got 30 out of 30.i was really happy and daddy helped me.i sat dkwn with a huge smile.i looked at my painting and I saw a red writing at the bottom. I looked over at it and it was daddys signature. How?

School was over I had just arrived!!!geuss what!!!
What honey
I got full marks for the painting
what oh honey thats amazing!!!
Thanks mom and dad.
I ran back upstairs to my room.i said I was going to hang the painting so I did.i went back down and looked around for screws and tools.i found some and ran back up.i started putting in the was done I took the painting and pined it looked great. I stood back smiling. I took a photo and went back down stairs.i returned the tools and other stuff.

I sat down on the couch next to mom.i cant believe I got full marks.but I was worried about dads signature on the bottom. How did he manage to get that rigt, if his a ghost and he is here how did the pen not go through his hand.its strange. I looked over at mom she looked worried.
Hey mom whats wrong
Oh nothing
Ok well I am worried about if your dads going to reply to that note or not
Relax mom if he does it will be pretty cool
I was on my way to bed when we suddenly heard noises coming from moms room.we ran up to have a look.there was no one.we walked over to the note and there was a reply.i looked at mom as we picked up the read
I am still here liza I love you and angel so much I just want to help you as much as I can.

Me and mom were smiling.i was happy his here just looking after us.i hugged mom tight.his still here mom.....I cant believe gave me a kiss and I went off to bed.i cant believe it.i gave his painting a kiss and layed down to sleep.i had a feeling that someone was watching me through the window I looked but noone was there.its probably daddy.his my angel her to look after me.
Lizas pov
School is a drag I shouldn't be saying that because I am not the one going but luckily its friday so I dont need to wake up early because there is no school today.i woke up at 10.i scratched my head and tried to wake up properly.i walked into the living room and saw everyone siting there.they were watching old tapes.i walked over and sat down to.

Why are you watching on here go to the theatre. We picked up the tapes and rushed to the theatre. We played ever single tape there was and let me tell you there was a lot.we played tapes of him In the jackson 5 to tapes that me and him made.but when his birthday tape that I made him came on I nearly cried. It was his first ever birthday and he spent it with me.

I was laughing my head off seeing me dance around neverland. I saw tapes of us and the water balloon fight. And the time me and my best friends planked mike with pie all in his face . those were the best times ever.we would of had much more if he was still here.the tapes went on for hours and hours we sat the hole day in here.

Finally it was all done.on our way back I heard a bit of moving in the bush and giggles it sounded like mikes.i walked over slowly and calmly. I opened up the bush but there was no one.i think I am going nuts I know his here but he cant do that can he.we walked back in and had some super and tv time.we watched so many tapes I dont know how we can still watch tv.

We stayed up all night talking about memories. It was fun I just had a feeling that mike was sitting next to me the hole time.i remember how I used to lay on his chest while talking to him.i remember watching charlie chaplen in the hotels. It was really late I needed to go to sleep.i brushed my teeth and got into bed I wrote a quick note to mike
Hi mike thanks for beeing there for us even though your not here but you are here.i hope you stay here with us for ever and always until its our turn to come up and see god.
I closed the note and prayed. I closed my eyes but I cant sleep I am just thinking about mike.

micheal jackson:the real mj ghost is with meTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang