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Liza's POV
I just herd mike scream is there something wrong with me.I waited for him to come in.he walked through jumping up and down he was so exited like a 13 year old girl who just got her first kiss.I looked at him strangely. He sat down and kissed me with a huge hug.
"Whats up with you"
"We are having a second child"
" what!!! Oh mike"
"I love you"
"We have got to tell everyone"
I rushed to the phone to give my mom a call.
Hey mom guess what
What honey
I am pregnant
What?!! Honey that's increasable
Thanks mom could you not tell angel yet
OK sure
Thanks see ya
I put down the phone and rushed to the girls room.guys!!!
What is it!!!
I am pregnant!!
What oh Liza that's amazing!!
They ran over to me and we jumped up and down.we were screaming and going nuts.mike walked in and started jumping to we ere just like little kids.we all went back to our room and started talking
"So what do you want it to be"
"Another girl"
"No way I want a little boy Liza"
"Then we are a completed family because we have one of each"
We started talking about names hopefully the same thing won't happen like last time we had angel it was awful.if its a boy maybe he's name can be alex or'll! I don't know what gender it even was really late i was super tiered.I said good night to everyone and went to sleep.I was really booted and full.

I fell asleep on the bed I think I was in a food coma.when you eat to much and just sleep.

Mikes POV
I was still sitting with the girls.I walked to our be and Liza was fast asleep. She looks so peacefull.I pushed her hair out of her face and gave her a kiss.I walked back and said goodnight to the girls.after they went to there sweet I cleaned up a bit .i wonder what are we going to do this hole might get a bit boaring since we are not in never land.

I put on my PJs and went to bed.
}}}fast forward 3weeks later 22sep
Liza pov
The hole break is almost over I haven't developed a baby bump yet.I am really exited for the show.the months are going to go by in a blink of an eye.I just finished talking on the phone with angel.I miss her so much and tonight we are going to phone her on skyp and tell her about the new one.I can't wait to see her reaction.

We are all planning on going to didn't land pairs London today.Hi!e had just done his costume and we all had our summer cloths on.we drove to Disneyland this is mikes favorite place in the hole world he could come here a million times he would never get over it.we ran inside this is the first time tegan,Maziko and esona have gone they don't have it in south Africa.

We ran in and took photos.we ran up to Donal duck and Minny mouse.we ran and had some cotton candy and lots of toys and shirts.mike loved just sitting on a bench and watching people go by.we sat down under a tree.we saw these little kids running around and they were really exited.we went to this huge rollercoaster ride,I was terrified.

I got on and held mikes hand tight he just laughed at me.we went up this stoked at the top and we fell down to stomach hit me in the face i eyes grew big I closed them and mike just held me,I think my heart jumped out of my chest.we went in loops and up and down.when yth ride was done I felt like I was about to fall over.

Mike held me up.we waited for the tier work show.the song started and the fireworks flew.we loved it.we walked over to the light perade. It looked magical I loved it.we vloged the hole trip on a camara. We were so tiered afterwards I fell asleep in the wasa really fun day with mike.I woke up and dragged my self to the room.I just was to tiered to give angel a call.

Mikes POV
Fast forward 1augast
Its the first day back sadly.the break is finally over.I am happy to go back it got a bit boaring. We got back and everyone with fresh smiling faces.I said him to everyone.the crew has been here the hole month working hard trying to set up the lights and other technical stuff.OK here we go 5,6,7,8.

Angels POV
Tomorrow is our spring dance.I can't wait I have got a cute pink dress with shiny hair is going to be curled and I don't think I will waer any make up.I am sitting at the lunch table with Jessica,Bob and Karen.I was tapped on the shoulder and saw bobby.I stood up and gave him a hand shake.
"Hi bobby"
"Hi how have you been"
"Good just missing my mom"
"Oh well I wanted to ask you..."
"Will you be my date to the dance tomorrow"
(Omg!!!)"um ya of course"
We huged and I sat down.I can't believe what just happened.I am going on a date with bobby!!!I almost fell over I was so happy.I sat and looked at my friends.they ere am! Laughing and smiling at me.they were really happy for me.I just carried on eating my lunch.I walked down the hall way and saw bobby again.I gave him our first hug.

I sat down in class and started drawing again.I waved at bobby as he walked past I can't wait for tomorrow
Next day
Angels POV
Its almost 8 me and bobby are meeting there. I was already dressed I just did my hair a bit more.I walked down stairs and took some photos with grandmas.I am ready to go.I hoped in the car and drove to the dance.I got there and met jessica.when I got inside I saw bobby just standing there with a bright light behind him.I walked towards him he looked realy cute.

I was so shy.hes eyes widened as a stood next to him.
"Hey you look amazing"
"Thanks you to"
"Thanks wanna dance"
"Let's go"
We walked to the we were dancing another girl kept winking at bobby.he seemed to like it.I turned him around quickly trying to destract him from her.I walked over to the punch I walked back I saw bobby with her.she kissed him in front of me!!!I ran over and poured the punch on her.
"What the hell are you doing!!"
"Why are you kissing my man"
"Hold on your man"
"Angel I never asked you to be my girlfriend I just needed you as a date to the dance"
"Ya that's right you better walk away"
My haert just sunk.I walked over to the corner and called them to come fetch me,I was sobbing the hole night. Why me!!

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