chapter 12

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Angels POV
School is so stupid!!! I was thinking in my head.I was in maths class again.I can't wait till art its the next lesson.ring!!!there goes the bell thank goodness. We walked out to the arts class and put down our bags it break now.we walks over to the benches and take out our lunches.Jessica looked really tiered and Bob was really hungry.

As I bit in to my sandwich I look over and saw bobby.I think my eyes turned into hearts.he walked past me.
"Hi angel"
"Hi bobby how's it going"
"Good and you"
"Are you entering the art competition?"
"Maybe we are having art after break I will see"
"You should your really good"
"Oh really thanks a lot"
"See ya"
He said I am good in art!!!I looked over at my friends they were smiling and giggling ant me.they knew something was up with me.what!!I carried on eating as nothing happened .
"We saw what just happened sweety"
"What do you mean"
"You are crushing on him"
"No way!!"it urned really red
"Your red for goodness sake"
"OK fine I am but dont tell no one"
"Sure that's what friends are for"
We walked off to arts class I was just thinking about how he said I was good in art.he has never heard me sing before if he does he will get a huge shock. I walked in and greeted ma'am.I walked over to her and asked her about the he competition.
"Hi ma'am"
"Hi angel"
"I was wondering about the art thing"
"You want to enter"
"Yes please ma'am"
"Here just right your name and grade"
"There you go"
I sat down but on the page I noticed bobby's name.he is in it to!!!ya its going to be awesome.
Liza's POV
Today is our last day of practice.I am super happy.I am so tiered but I feel like I have more energy because its the last day before we go on break.the way you make me feel!!! I herd mike singing. I was at the back getting ready for the song.this has to be the funist song on the tour.mike started singing you are not alone.this is the song were he pulls a girl on stage.

You would think I am jelouse but I am not.I know mike is just making there wishes come true I would love that if I was still a fan like them.well I am a fan but not like that.ok now its time to do the last song I wanna rock with you.john said there will be a big surprise at the end.I have no idea what it could will happen on the live show but the last night.

I wanna rock with you
(All night)
Rock you in today
I was a back up singer in this song.I wanted to dance like mike but if I did the hole show would be ruined.but my feet started going up and down.I bobed my head to the beat and my body started to sway.before I knew it I was side gliding on stage but behind my mike of course.I started dancing my own style to.I tried the robot but mike is the best at doing that.

The song ended.we were cheering and going nuts we walked to the front of the stage.
"That was great guys we are done for tonight and enjoy your break"
Me and mike ran to each other and hugged.we were so happy.we rushed home with the girls.we got to our room and poped some pop corn.we all sat down and watch me and mikes favorite Peter pan.o will watch that movie ten times and I will never get sick of it I think.I love tinker bell she is the cutest thing ever and she is reallyrighty.

Mike describes himself as peter pan.he never wants to grow up and he wants to live forever.he loves kids so much he said if they said all children were dead he would kill himself.we start there watching peter pan Tegan said she had never seen it.the movie was a perfect celebration.after the movie was done mike asked us if we would watch charlie chaplen.

The girls said they were going to and mike start up watching charlie chaplen the hole night through. We watched I think about 50 episodes.I love charlie and mike was very close to there family.I fell asleep next to mike.I just remember seeing charlie dancing around on the bench.
Next day
I was making breakfast I hate room service. I made us a lovely British breakfast.Liza was a sleep still.she started waking up she looked confused.
"Morning hun"
"Hi did we fall asleep here"
"I made you breakfast"
"Thanks hun"
We sat down with the music playing on ythe stereo. I love this song I wish I could dance but I am eating right now.I started moving up and down and side to side.Liza just laughed a bit.I took a sip from my orange tasted really fresh.its going to be a realxing month and then our big come back show.Liza is really exited to be back on stage.I am to.

Hmmm that was amazing if I do say so my self.I took our plates inside to the kitchen.I start back down and s few minutes later Liza was feeling sick.could it have been my food I hope not.
"Mike I am feeling sick"
"Like what way"
"I wanna vomit"
"Come on we have to goto the bathroom"
We walked over to the bathroom it was still quit early in the morning.she wasn't throwing up but she wanted to.I made an appointment by the doctor.I put her in the car and we drove to the doctor.I held her hand she was looking green.we entered the doctors office.
"Hi doc"
"Hi what's wrong today"
"She is feeling really sick"
"OK let's do some test"
I helped her back on the bed.the doc drew some blood and other stuff.we start down again the doc said they will call us with the results.we drove home after words.we were sitting on the couch a while later I got a call.
Hi doc
You will be very happy
She is pregnant!!!
What really!!!oh my goodness I just came back and now this!!!

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