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Liza's POV
I woke up the next morning to the smell of waffles and orange juice.mike looked at me as if he was lost.we got up and ran to the kitchen to see what was happening.Liz was in the kitchen dancing and singing around in the kitchen.we giggled a bit.she turned around and sees !e and mike.she looked a bit surprised.
"Morning guys!!"
"Morning Liz"
"How do you like your eggs scrambled?"
"Yes please"
"We sat down on the couch. Not long after Liz came with a tray.she is so sweet I can understand why mike and her are best friends.she placed it down in front of us on the table.she walked back to get her plate."dig in!"I grabbed a knife and fork and took a huge pics out of the waffles.this is delicious. Liz is a really good chef but she almost never has time to cook.

"Wow Liz that was amazing"
"Oh really Liza"
"Ya the best i have ever had"
"Thanks your too kind"
I took our plates inside.
"So Liz are you leaving soon?"
"Oh heavens no mike!!I thought we could go somewhere"
"OK were is that"
"Let's go to a caffe"
"Do you have a costume for me mike?"
"Ya sure come with me"
We walked into mikes costume was quite big.I saw womes dresses and bunny tails.mike loved dressing up and hiding.Liz looked through and picked her favorite. She got it and ran to her room.mike got one to.I walked back into the TV room.they both came out of there rooms.I laughed at Liz she looked so different.I am used to mike.

I walked over Liz and mike couldn't stop laughing.
"Hahah so now its time to get a new voice"
"Alright then mike what about...bonjour I am madame Fifi!!"
"Hahhah no way!!"
We were all in stitches .mike had a very strange voice I have no idea that no one knows its him.we were all ready to go.
"Bye guys see you soon!!!"
We walked out the door into the car.Liz knows were this place is but I have no idea.we drove to the back of this building.I didn't look safe.I trust Liz but this place looked strange.we stopped ad walked to the building .there we're stairs going down under the building .Liz knocked a secret knock.we entered past this huge guy he gave me the hebbie jebezz.

Liz took us to a was like a under ground club.I loved it even though this place made me scared.I looked over at mike he looked horribly scared.
"Liz were did you find this place"
"Its a long story but it was by accident"
"Oh OK!!"
The waiter came over with our drinks,I drank a bit slower than usual I wanted to make sure this wasn't deadly.our food came not long after.suddenly we herd a bang.the lights on stage were brightened.we looked over.there were these girls that did a can can type of thing.I enjoyed the show.especially the music.mike was jamming out him self.

That was an amazing show I thought.we continue eating.while I was eating I noticed a guy at the bar was staring at me.I am scared mike might see.I tried not to look again,when I did he was gone.he is so big build and full of mussle I am scared of him.I looked at mike.
"We gotta go"
As mike said that the guy was right behind me.
"What's your name?"
"Non of your business"
Mike got angry I could see it on his face
"Get Way punk!"
"Was I talking to you!!"
"No but Iam talking to you!!"
"Your tiny what are you going to do?"
He didn't know but mike is really strong.mike didn't want to fight but he had to for me
"Back off!!"
They started pushing each other around.I wanted to stop them but if I did I would get injured. Mike was on the ground and the other guy had a knife in his hands.he almost stabbed mike,he got up and ran onto satge .he grabbed the mike and started deflecting the knife.mike jumped down.he ten past me.he's mask came off,

The hole crowed was standing still.we all were quite.I looked at Liz.mike lifted he's face,everyone knew!!mjike ran out the door and we followed.they all wanted a life of mike.we jumped in the car just in time.just one look at him people will do anything for that.we drove off.Liz was laughing and so was mike.I was just cionfused.

"Well that's never happened before!!"
"Ya I loved the rush through my vains"
"Same time next week?"
"Sure mike"
Hahah.we were almost home.its sad that Liz has to leave already. Liz Brought her bags inside.she hugged us.
"I will miss you guys"
"We will miss you to Liz"
"I ho
E your telling the truth"
"Of course we are silly"
We walked her outside to the car.she drove off.I miss her already.we walked back inside really tiered from today.but it was really fun.angel came inside with her headphones on.
"What you listing to"
"You daddy"
"Really what song?"
"Ahh I love that song what other songs do you have "
"Umm the way you make me feel,thriller,invincible, smooth criminal, speed demon...."
"So basically all my songs!"
"Ya basically"
"Haha oh angel you really like that guy named Michael Jackson!!"
"Ya I am obsessed"
We sat laughing.our moms came inside and sat down next to us
"So what did you guys do today"
"Umm well you wouldn't believe what just happened"
We told them the hole thing.they were laughing really loud.angel was amazed.
"Really mom and dad"
"Ya it was real!y fun"
"I can imagine"
"Well iam pooped I am off to bed"
We walked our seprat ways and went to sleep.all! I could think about was want happened today.

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