chapter 29

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Mikes POV
I still can't believe how my beautiful little girl looks tonight.we are still on our way to the party but we are having our own party in the music is blasting through the car and we are going no is dancing with lilly and angel and Liza are going nuts to.clearly crazy runs in both sides of the family.

Before we knew it we were there.Liza and angel was fixing there hair because it was all messed up after our party.I grabbed Liza's hand and we walked to the door,knock knock! Liz opened with a huge smile on her face.
"Liz how are you?"
"I am amazing and you Gus"
"We are just fine"
"Oh angel look how big you have gotten."
"Hi ma'am"
"Oh please call me Liz"
"OK hi Liz"
We walked inside and all our friends were there.

"Hey angel that's my granddaughter her name is Abby why don't you play with her?"
Angels pov

I was kinda nervous to meet her.
"Hi Abby?"
"Hi who are you?"
"I am angel mjs daughter"
"Oh hi angel nice to meet you"
"So how old are you?"
"I am 15 and you?"
"I am turning 15"
"Cool I am so happy theres someone my age"
"Ya me to!"
"Let's go to the candy"

Mikes POV
We sat down on the couch next to Liz and some other people.Liz made this place look so pretty and full of joy she had pictures of children all around the place and Teddy's and everything. She even had a candy table and angel and her new friend was all over the candy.
"So mike are you ready for the kids?"
"Ya of course I am always happy around kids I wouldn't give them up for anything"
"I know mike I was just teasing you silly boy!"
"Liz stop!!"
She started to tickel me I am super ticklish. We all sat down around the kitchen table and grabbed food to eat everything here looked great.suddenly Liz got up and hit her glass.

"Hi everyone!I hope you are enjoying your evening so far and what's still to come tonight.tonights party was made to celebrate my best friend Michael Jackson and his amazing family to.but its more about his amazing children's home he is building for children around the world.I bet most of you haven't herd about it because the media only wants bad us this is fantastic news and we are really proud of him and I hope the kids have a happy life there in Neverland.cheers!!"

I love Liz very much and she is the kindest person on earth.this food looked great but poor angel and her friend looked like they were about to fall over or just go to bed.they just stared at there food they couldn't move.I just looked over at her and I was confused.I giggled a bit because they looked funny.

I walked over to her and sat down by here
"Hey what's wrong?"
"I feel sick"
"I ate way to much candy daddy!"
"Oh honey OK just go lay down on the couch OK I will bring you some salt that always helps'"
Salt helps when your feeling like you want to throw up.

I walked back to her with a table spoon.
"Here you go!"
She took the while spoon in her mouth and made a strange face because of the salts taste. I went back to the table and carried on eating.I think I ate my self into a food coma.suddenly I felt a wind going past me it was angel.she ran to the bathroom a few moments later all we could hear was sounds of her throwing up.I guess the salt helped a bit to much.

I ran to the bathroom and she was over the toilet.I grabbed some toilet paper and whipped her mouth a bit.I held her hair back.she was finally done and she cleaned up.
"Are you OK know?"
"Ya I feel way better thanks dad"
We made our way back inside and she sat down on gthe couch.I grabbed my bags and looked at the was pretty late and we have a sick patient.

"Liz this was great but we have to go,angel needs to get to bed."
"Oh sure mike anything for you sweety!"
"Thanks for everything"
"Bye mike love you!"
"Love you more!"
We rushed to the car and tried to get home as fast as we could.when we got home angel was sleep next to me.I didn't want to wake her up so I carried her up the stairs and into her bed.I tucked her in and gave her a kiss on the head.I ran back down stairs and grabbed a glass if water before I went to bed.

"Night Liza"
"Night mike"
"Sweet dreams"

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