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Liza's POV
Last day of consent.
London has been amazing.I am going to miss it very much but I really can't wait to get home and see my family.the little one will be here soon she is due in December.I can't wait just one more month left till we see him or and mike are backstage right now trying to get hair is big and curly and my makeup is all done to.

I heard on the news that people have flew in from around the world just to see mike.I see people from south Africa coming here its a shame they can't have a show in there country.I was so exited to go home tomorrow.I heard the crowed I gave mike a good luck kiss and walked to my mike.the currents raised and mike sprung onto stage

The music started and I am full of energy just going nuts.the show is amazing!!
Few hours later
The show is finally done and I am ready to go home.I gave mike a huge hug and we ran to the car.we had some wine to celebrate and we drove home.when we got home the girls went to pack there stuff for tomorrow and so did we.I was packing my bag and I felt mike put his arms around my belly.I turned around. What are you doing.
"I am saying hi to the baby"
"Oh well them I am sure she or he is saying hi to"
He leaves me and continues packing his bags.I can't wait to sleep in my own bed.I am going to sleep next to mike from now on like a proper couple should like we used to.I finished packing my bags and I went to lay down.we are leaving at 4am so we get there at 1pm.I am really tiered I went to bed and mike came after me,
Next day
Mikes pov
Its so early I am half asleep I feel like a zombie.I dragged my bags out and my gaurds took my bags out for us.I dragged the least stuff and the girls were all in the hall way.we walked down and checked out,we jumped into the car and drove off to the airport I am still terrified of flying.the girls had to fly to cape town no we siad our goodbyes and we went our ways.we got on the plane and I said a little prayer so we can land safely.

I closed my eyes and caught up on a bit of sleep.sooner than I knew it I was at home.we got our bags and claimed off.there were some fans waiting there for us and they were screaming and shouting.I love the fans so much.unsaved a bit and we got into the limo.we drove of and fans were chasing after us.I cantbwait to get back I really miss them.

We eneter the gates of heart started pounding we got to the house.I jumped out and ran inside with Liza.we saw everyone.i ran over to angel and gave her a fat hug.i gave my mom and even bigger hug and Liza's mom to.I put down my bags in my room.Liza brought her bags to.I walked back in and said hi to the other staff.

I sat down feeling so tiered.Liza came to sit down next to me.I  placed my hand down on her belly.I looked at her with a smile.
"When little one gets here we can have more water balloon fights"
"Ya I can't wait she or he is going to have so much fun here"
"Just like us"
"Ya one big happy family"
"Its almost due date"
"Ya can't wait"
Fast forward
11 December
Lizas POV
Its a beautiful day and we are really taking things  slow since the baby is coming in 2 weeks.I am on the couch with my feet and mike are home alone and my mom and kathrin has taken out angel.a few minutes later I felt a slight pain in my was really saw I just started screaming ahhhh!!! Mike!!!
Mike rushed into the room with worries
"Whats going on"
"Its coming early"
"What no not now"
"Quick take me now"
Mike helped me to the car.we rushed over to the hospital media was all over again.we get up to the room.the had to do a c section on me.I held mikes hand really tight.I was really sacred but yet exited.I felt them cutting me they had a huge curtain in front of me so I couldn't see.I was laying down with this really bright light in front of me.

Mike was sitting to my right holding my hand tightly.I was in a lot of pain but it would be all worth it in the end.I felt them pull out the little one.I was so happy it was all over.I waited for the baby to cry but there was nothing.they started hitting the baby but nothing. They started running around the room like crazy.I didn't even see my baby.

"What's going on!!"
"What the baby ok:"
"She is not breathing because she was born to early"
"Oh no this can't be happening"
I looked over at mike I just wanted to get up but they are still busy with my stomach. They finally finished and they pushed me too a room near soon as I got in the room my mom his mom and angel came through the doors.they gave me huge hugs and balloons.
"Where's little one"
"She...shes not breathing properly there doing something to save it"
"Oh no honey I am sure very thing will be alright"
I looked out the windows with tears in my eyes.I couldn't wait any more.finally mike and the doctor walked through the door.mike ran over to my side.
"Hi doc is it good news"
"Well as you know the baby wasn't breathing and we did everything we could but..."
"But what.."
"The little one didn't make it I am so very sorry Mr and Mrs Jackson"
I was crying my heart out mike held me tightly.everyone was heart just dropped.
"Was it a boy or a girl doc"
"A boy"
It wa sa boy we would of had the perfect family.he's gone....gone to soon

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