Chapter 11: 1976- Europe, Do I love Joan?

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Joan was back from touring across the United States for a few months. The Runaways debut album was out and it was already sold out a week after it's release. Joan was telling me everything about the tour. All the performances, traveling/ hotel rooms and the crazy people that everyone met.

Joan however, couldn't stay in California for long. Even though she just got back. She and the rest of the girls in The Runaways were about to go on a tour across Europe.  And Joan was fucking excited!!!

She intvited me to come along with her and the girls to Europe. I really wanted to go but I had a lot of school work to do, sadly. I wished her all the best and she, Lita, Sandy, Jackie and Cherie were off to Europe. This time during the tour, I didn't hear a thing from Joan at all. Still I thought that Joan was really busy. 

Jack would always be like "Oh have you heard about some things about The Runaways? They've beaten children, and other terrible shit like that!" "Alright, first of all Jack. What is the other terrible shit like that? And second of all, Joan only smacked the children when they were being naughty because their parents told her too.!!! (Joan use to babysit before she joined The Runaways) Dumbass!!!"  "Joan doesn't love you anymore, you know that?" Jack asked.  "Sure" I replied sarcastictly.  "No really, Tammy. She called me up the other day and said so herself. And that she loves Cherie now." Jack was only saying that because he knew that I was a bit jelous of Joan and Cherie. 

And of course he also wanted to say that because he knows that I would get that sensitive and he likes to see me upset. "FUCK YOU!!!" I yelled. I started walking away from Jack, and he pushed me onto the couch. I picked up a tenis ball (that happened to be right beside me for some reason) and threw it at him. He came right up to me and smacked me. I punched him right after that and ran out of the house crying.

Yeah. I'm a bit jelous. But you know what. I'm not really sure If I love her or not. All I know that I whenever I think of her or hear her name, I get these strong feelings. I care about her a lot and I just want her to be happy no matter what. Even if she's not with me. Cherie is really hot, anyway. So I don't really blame Joan if she actually likes her.

Joan Jett and The Runaways. (Tammy's Point of View)Where stories live. Discover now