Chapter 15: "Mama, Weer All Crazee Now!"

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A month went by..

People weren't so sure about The Runaways, now that Cherie left. But they did like Joan on lead vocals though. Most people didn't really like "Saturday Night Special". Though they never liked the Runaways. But they especially didn't like it because it was Joan who was sining it. A lot of people think that Joan is disgusting. But as far as I am concerned... She is the one who went up to Kim Fowely and said "I wanna start an All Girl Rock Band!" And that happened. And.... Joan came up with the name for the group.

But the Haters don't matter a thing to me if they don't at least RESPECT Joan. Most importantly, Jack liked The Runaways now and respected Joan. And I have always supported Joan about her career since she had her first guitar lesson. And.. She really did prove to her Stupid Asshole Guitar Teacher that "Girls Can Play Rock & Roll/ Electric Guitars, Miss Larkin." Yeah... That moment with Joan on the phone just came back to me. Haha

Joan and I did call eachother 'One And A Blue Moon' But hadn't seen eachother since before she left for Japan, when Cherie was still the lead singer. I thought that The Runaways have been doing great since Cherie left (Not trying to say that in a mean way) And they will be successfull for quite a while, I hope. And you know what. They're about to have a new music video out. 

And the song is called... "Mama Weer All Crazee Now" The Runaways also just released a new album which I am going out to the store to buy right about.... NOW!!!

Joan Jett and The Runaways. (Tammy's Point of View)Where stories live. Discover now