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Lil C and Naenae in Media

"Why am I here if he here? I told you guys I'm through with him." Naenae said to both Kenny and Sky.

"You may be through with him, but you is carrying his baby so you stuck with him for the rest of your life." Sky said.

Not if I run away and never look back. Naenae thought to herself.

They entered the house and Lil C was sleep on the couch.

"Yall work this shit out, talk or something. I'm going back to bed." Sky said. "You coming Kenny?"

Kenny shook his head no.

"Nosey ass. Well is you going to at least brush your teeth?"

Kenny got up then, and follow her to their room.

Oh yeah, Sky is now sleeping in Kenny room. They came to that conclusion last night. Since she was always in his room anyway.

"Speak up!" Kenny yelled from the top of the stairs.

"Kenny shut up and leave them alone. With your nosey ass." Sky yelled at him.

"You shut up and take your ass to sleep."

"How about you put me to sleep." Sky said flashing him a titty.

"Nope your ass not slick. I'm trying to see what going on with them and you trying to seduce me and shit. I got something for your ass later." Kenny said walking in the bathroom to brush his teeth. When he walked back in his room, Sky was fast asleep. He went to kiss her lips then walked out the room.
"So you done with me now?" Lil C asked Naenae sitting by her on the couch.

"Yes I'm tired you hitting on me whenever you get mad. Then you hit me while I'm pregnant. Not once, but twice. That shit is foul. You need to work on you before you get back with me. Then you cheated on me Lil C. You said you wouldn't do that no more, but you did." Naenae said crying.

"So where you going to stay? I could buy you an apartment, and pay for everything. Since you having my baby. That's the only reason."

"You would do that?" Naenae said looking at him.

"Yeah. I mean I wouldn't leave you homeless. Even though I said I will."
"Okay. Thanks I guess." Naenae said.

"So where we go from here?" Lil C asked her.

In the inside he was hurting badly. He know he hurt Naenae, but he thought she would have forgive him.

"No where." Naenae said.

"So I can't fuck no more?"

"Hell no."

"But how we all supposed to get together for our double date now?" Kenny said sadly.

"Guess there is no more double date. That's dead." Lil C said sadly too.

"So where Naenae supposed to stay while you get the apartment?"

"At the hotel I guess. I'll get another hotel room."

"Man Nigga you tripping. I got plenty room in here for the both of you. Come on and move on in here with me and Sky while you get everything situated." Kenny said.

Kenny thought he was slick. He knew if Lil C and Naenae was around each other they would break and eventually get back together. His friends can't be having problems around him and his girl. That's bad luck, shit he not about to go down that road again. He said he won't hurt Sky again and he meant that.

F.A.M.E(Book 2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें