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Sky and Naenae was sitting down waiting on Lil C and Kenny to come back. They was waiting for awhile now.

"Where the hell they at?" Sky said pacing back and forth in the living room.

Naenae just shrugged her shoulders. She was feeding Crystal her night time bottle.

Sky picked up her cellphone for the umpteenth time to dial Kenny phone.

Naenae phone begin to ring. She looked at it and she saw it was Lil C. Oh thank God. she thought to her self.

Hello, Lil C, where are you? Naenae asked Lil C.

You wish this was Lil C, by the way your little boyfriend and his friend is dead. This is what I need you to do for me though, or you will lose your life too. The person said to Naenae over the phone.

Naenae can't believe what the person just said. No where in hell her man was dead. The tears filled her eyes anyway, she couldn't even finish talking to the person.

Sky looked at Naenae in confusion. She picked up the phone.

Lil C where are yall? Sky asked into the phone.

This is not Lil P, or whatever the little nigga name is. He's dead by the way. The person said into the phone.

Sky didn't buy that bullshit at all.

What you want man? Sky asked into the phone.

Naenae Johnson and a million dollars by the end of this week. The person said then hang up.

Sky looked over at Naenae and she was crying. This was not the time for crying. Not right now anyway. Her and Naenae needed a plan and fast. She wont even go to her mother or father. Her and Naenae got this. If she have to do this by her self she will. She know Naenae was pregnant and everything, but still she still will be able handle her own. She hope.

Some pickles and Ketchup would be good right about now. Sky thought. Or even some popcorn and mustard.

"Naenae look here boo I need you on board with me sweetie. First I need you to call my mother and tell her to come pick up KD and Crystal then me and you need to come up with a plan. I don't think Lil C and Kenny is dead. No where in hell." Sky said to Naenae.

Naenae nodded her head then call Catherine to come get the kids. Sky went into the kitchen to get her some pickles and ketchup. Naenae walked in the kitchen.

"Your mother is on the way. Sky you pregnant?" Naenae asked Sky while looking at eat the pickles and ketchup.

"Girl hell no. The fuck. What am I going to do with another child right now?" Sky said still eating the pickles and Ketchup.

Naenae just shook her head. Tears filled her eyes again. Lil C better not be dead.

After Catherine came and pick up the kids Naenae and Sky started making their plan out.

"Okay so the person said that he wants you an-" Sky got cut off by Naenae.

"Me? Why me?" Naenae pointed to herself.

Sky just stared at her.

"Like I said the person wants you and a million dollars, but the plan is we is going to give him you, but we fake it out, I know you carry a razor blade in your mouth at times, so I need you to have that with you. So when you get close on him, I want you to cut his face up. When it comes to meeting them, we going to have to take the bus, because our asses cant drive. I don't know how many are in on this, but we have to be prepared. I know where Kenny keeps his guns and the money so we good. You down to get our man back? The plan might not work out how we want too, but hey we can still do what we have to do. Hell we have too." Sky said then sighed loudly.

"Yeah I'm down. Hell whoever is behind this going to fill my rage, I'm pregnant too. Hell man, this is so much. Ugh why us though Sky?" Naenae asked Sky.

Sky just shrugged her shoulders. The hell if she know. All she know is she is hungry. She could go for a baked potatowith bacon bits, sour cream and cheese, and 2 bacon cheese burgers with a ice cream sundae on the side. Hell yeah!

"Sky are you even listening to me?"

Sky snapped out of her daydream.

"Huh? What you said?"

"I said why are you so calm about the whole thing?" Naenae asked Sky again.

"Because it's nothing to worry about. Girl we are in relationships with Thugs, niggas that are drug dealers at that. We going to have these kind of problems, and me, I'm a rider, I'm going to ride for mine, until the wheels fall off." Sky said straight up.

Naenae just nodded her head.






Somebody going to pay for this bullshit. Lil C thought to his self. Shit I'm hungry as hell and I gotta piss. Where the fuck am I by the way.

He looked around and saw Kenny tied up too.


Kenny mumbled something.

"Kenny wake your ass up." Lil C said to Kenny.

Kenny jumped up then.

"What the fuck? Why am I tied up? What the hell happen yo" Kenny asked getting mad all over again.

"Man the hell if I know." Lil C said then started thinking.






Kenny and Lil C ducked the bullets and dive on two of the buff niggas that pulled the trigger on them.

"Nigga is you out your rabbit as mind, pulling the trigger on me, do you know who I am?" Kenny asked the dude as he punched the man in his face. Just then someone hit Kenny in his head with something knocking him out.

"Oh hell no, I know you did not just hit my nigga in the head with a vase, Nigga you knocked him out." Lil C said jumping up, but he got tackled to the floor.

"Nigga you know you too damn big to be jumping on me. You could have smash me like a pancake with your big ass." Lil C said before a vase was smashed in his face.

Flashback Over

"Damn which one of us got it the worst?" Kenny asked Lil C.

"Nigga me, I got smashed like a pancake." Lil C yelled.

They shared a laugh.

What you think?

Really Sky? Ketchup and pickles again?

Sky a Gangsta.

They alive! Kenny and Lil C





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