Chp 1 Good Bye

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"Are you ready?" Rick sat on my bed, waiting for me to finally come out my bathroom.

"Almost!" I yelled at him. I took on my dress and did my make up.

"Hurry, Cab will be here in 4 minutes." I came out my bathroom and his mouth fall open immediately.

"Close it, you'll catch flies." I teased.

"I can't wait to take that dress off!" He said and walked to me.

"Well we can stay here, and not go to the party?" I smiled at him. "Huh? What about you honey?" I smiled and he just kissed me.

"Well, if you don't mind if we're staying here tonight." I shook my head 'no'. I saw immediately saw a Smile on his face, he seems to like it. "Well then we can stay here!" I smiled at him, and he looked at the dress that I had on. "You're stunning in it!" He said and smiled.

"Well you can take it off if you want?" I teased and he unzipped the dress from the back. The dress fall on the ground and I stands there only in underwear and bra.

"Sure you want this?" He asked, a little scared.

"Yes, this is the last day I will see you. Until you will move to England." I said looking down.

"Hey Baby! I will be back when I am done there. I will buy the first ticket back!" I smiled a little and he packed my lips and trowed me on bed without leaving my lips. I unbuttoned his shirt, he giggles a little when I did that. When his shirt was off I unbottoned his pants. We both where almost naked. He took off my bra and underwear, I took his boxers off too. We where full naked but yeah, who cares? We didn't.

We ended that night by falling asleep in each others arms. I hold him tight to me, and my head was on his chest. We slept further in each others arms.

By the next morning we where waked by Rick's alarm. He got up and puts on his clothes. I woke up slowly when the warmth was gone. I saw him standing next to the bed, putting his clothes back on. That was the moment I realized that I was fully naked. I didn't really care, so I slowly slipped out my bed and put on some clean clothes. Brushed my teeth, and did my hair. Rick took everything he needs, and walked to me and hugged me from behind. I smiled and I felt a kiss in my neck.

"I am so gonna miss this Rick! Why must you leave me?" I asked and turned around in his arms.

"My mother, she had a job in England. And she needs to go! And I need to go with her, she didn't tell me a reason. But I have to, and Kate! Every week or so when I have no college, I will fly over to you! I promise!"

"And skype, every day?"

"And skype every day!"

"Good, Rick?"

"Yes hunny?"

"I love you, with all of my heart!" I said and a few tears streamed down my cheek. He wiped them away, and kissed me.

"I love you more, to the moon and back!" He said, and got a message from his mom. "Okay, we need to go. Ready?" I nodded and he took my hand. We walked out and a Cab stopped for us, we got in and drived to the Airport.

At the airport, Martha waited for his son. He walked to her and he gave her a quick kiss. That was the moment I realized that I lost him! I just lost him, like in forever. I don't know when he ever will come back, and If he will come back. What if he don't?

Rick took a little red box out his pocket, by seeing it I shocked.

"Is it what I think it is?!" I said shocking.

"No, I'm not going to propose to you. Not this age, it's a Promise Ring. With this you will promise, How long it takes, that you will get me back when I am back here! And that would be when I gratuaded from college!"

"Well in that Case, I will promise you to keep loving you, and whatever it takes to be with you! And I Promise to keep this on, the rest of my life!" I said and the emotionals where going all around my body. He slid the ring on my finger, and I immediately kissed him. Tears streamed down my cheek.

"Richard, we need to go now!" Martha said and we pulled apart. "The flight will be go in 5 minutes." She added. Rick pulled me in a warm tight hug before he goes away.

"This is it, our Good Bye..." I said and all the emotions came out.

"Not forever! I will call you immediately when I landed! I love you Kate!"

"I love you too Rick!" I said and we broke apart, his mom got him in the airport and he dissapeared. Tears streamed down my cheek, I knew it was all over right now. But keep dreaming, and you will get him back once! I took the can back to my apartment, and when I got there I started to feel sick. Very sick, I payed the cab and runned inside. I came at my door and opened it, closed it behind me and I runned to the toilet. I trowed up twice. I looked at myself when I washed my mouth clean. "Can it be I'm pregnant?" I asked myself. I wanted to know and there was an pharmacy in the building, so I went down to buy a pregnancy test. That's when I remembered I had to go dinner with my parents tonight. I hoped so that I wasn't pregnant! Once I buyed it, I went back to my apartment, and immediately did the test.

10 minutes after the test I could see the results, I opened my eyes and it was positive. I dropped it to the ground immediately, I was so shocked that I started to cry. How could this happen?! Yeah we had unprotected sex. Oh gosh, and I need to tell my parents. What about school!! Oh no, what have I done!?

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