Chp 5 Showing up?

448 19 4

-About 8 years later-
Sasha's Pov-

"Mom?" I called for her.

"Yeah, what's it?" She yelled downstairs.

"Can I go to the park?"

"Why not?" She asked and walked down.

"I don't know, maybe you don't want me there."

"You're 12. Do whatever you want!"

"You sure?" I teased.

"No. You're not having sex this age girl!" She laughed.

"EEW!! MOM!"

"Go! Go to the park! I will not have you back until 5? Understand!"

"Yes sir!"

"I am at the precinct when you are looking for me, kay?"

"Kay. I love you Mom!" I said and kissed her cheek.

"Love you too Sash!" She smiled at me when I walked out. Maybe I was growing to fast? Nah, no. What? No. Right? No, right? Nah, she wouldn't think so. I guess. I walked out the building and walked straight to the park. When I arrived in the park, I decided to but an Ice Cream. There was a little Red Head girl. Seems not so old, maybe 6 or so? Maybe 7. I don't know.

"That's $1,20 please." Said the ice cream salesman. The little red head looked at her money. Seems not to understand it.

"Should I help?" I offered. She nodded and I explained how the money worked. And what each coin means. She gave the right coins to the man, and she gets her Ice Cream. I ordered an Ice Cream too.

"Thank you!" The little red head said.

"Oh, that's not a problem. Are from another country?" I asked her when we sat down on a bank.

"I lived my whole life in England."

"Oh, wow. Big step then."

"Yeah, It is. My dad wanted back to here, because he has something to make up here."

"Oh. Again. May I ask what your name is?" I asked.

"Ofcourse! I am Alexis! You don't mind if I ask right?"

"No!" I chuckled. And she smiled at me. "I'm Sasha."

"You're full American?"

"Yup, I am an American." I said and licked my Ice Cream.

"How old are you exactly?" Alexis asked.

"I'm 12, what about you?"

"I'm 7."

"So cute!" I said and her cheeks turned red. "Wait, you may come here alone Alexis?"

"Oh, wait. My dad is in the car." She chuckles. "Would you come with me? To my home?"

"Uh, yeah sure!" I said and she stood up, searching for my hand. I smiled and took Alexis' little hand. We walked to a Blue SUV. A new one.

"Daddy! This is Sasha, a new friend." Alexis told her father, and he got out. We shook hands.

"Nice to meet you Sasha. I'm Richard Castle." He said. And I knew that name.

"Wait, THE Richard Castle. The creator of Derrick Storm?!"

"A fan?"

"Not a little one! I read them all! Can't wait for the next! When is it come out?"

"I am ready, and I can give you the first book. And I will sign it!" He said and my eyes become big! I couldn't believe the Father of my friend is Richard Freaking Castle!!!

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