Chapter 17

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Kate's Pov-

"You tought you where home? You really believed that Kate!" A voice said.

"No, I didn't think that. I knew it! I was home, I was back at my old life. The life I loved!"

"Why are you never quit?"

"Because I was looking for answers! I can't give up. Not now."

"Kate! You have to stop. My dead will be your dead to! Because you never know how to give up. Kate. You are a strong woman, I know that. But it's time to stop!" It was my mom. Wait, my mom? If she was here?

"Wait? Mom. Where are we?"

"Heaven girl."


"Kate! I told you to stop spitting into the facts. My dead is your dead!" She sounded angry.

"I didn't want to leave him like this. Not now. Not when I am pregnant. I KILLED HIS BABY TOO!" I dropped to the ground. My eyes filling with tears.

"You can always visit him. In his dreams sweetheart."

"Mom. It's different. I want to feel his body against mine, to sleep in his arms every single night! To kiss him. Tasting him." I wiped my tears away. "To get back to my girls."

"You should get the fact you aren't there anymore Katie. I am terribly sorry. But he have lost you. But this time HE lost YOU."

"He came back. I can't come back. I can never see my girls grow up. NEVER!" Silence. Only silence. "Mom? MOM!?"

"To late." A familiar voice said. Roy. Roy Montgomery.


"I am sorry Detective. It's over for both of us. I would help you. But they killed me, and now you."

"No. No! I can't be dead right now. Not now!"

"Yes You where pregnant. Not anymore. And you would find the killer of your mom. You need to find yours too."

"I mean, I can't be dead. I am to young? How am I dead? How did I die?"

"Bullet that goes trought your heart."

"Kidding me right?"

"Kate. You're dead. Accept it!"

"I can't! Because it's not true. If I was dead. They told everyone earlier. But they didn't. I am not dead! This is one big lie! One big story. Nothing is realy in this "world". It can't be real!"

"But it is! Kate..."

"I want you to leave."


"Now sir." With that he leaved. A complete silence felt into the room.
"Nothing of this nonsense is real. You will wake up soon. With Rick next to you. And your kids. A growing little human inside of you. And you will be alive!" I closed my eyes for a few seconds. It felt a little bit better to think about the better days. The better times. But I couldn't be dead. Not right now. But everything is possible. That's for sure.

-Castle's Pov-
It's over. Oh gosh no.

"Mr Castle. You can see your Fiancé. But she will not wake up. I don't know when she will, but she can't wake up. Be prepared for the worsest part." The docter said and let me in her room. She layed there. My half death Fiancé. Even when she was almost dead, she looked so peaceful. So happy. And beautiful as always. We weren't together for a year. And she would be gone. But if she goes. She couldn't come back ever again. I cane back, as I promised. On another way. But she can't if she dies.

"It's hard to love, hard to breath. Because you're not here anymore" I saw that in my mind. It kept there for a long time. "No matter where you are, I'll be there" All kinds of Depressed Quotes came in. Like Kate and I always told eachother. But from every quote, we made the best. From the saddest one, the happiest one. Oh gosh. I really am missing it right now. "I want you now, I need you. At my side, Right Now! I miss you, baby come back please. You're my everything, and that will never fade away. I love you, with all Of my heart. Always"

"Always" that was ours. Our thing. We kept telling eachother how much we loved each other. Only by saying "Always" because "Always means I love you!" She was half dead. Maybe she was already dead. But this couldn't be over. She can come back! Once.

Kate's Pov-
Tears fallibg down my cheeks. I could see him. Next to my body. My dead body. He was down. Same as me. How will Sasha be? And what about Alexis? So young to understand. My work? My dad? How can this all happen?

"I love you with all of my heart. Always." I said, and hopefully did this message arrive to him. "I love you!" I cried even more and more.

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