Chp 10 "I love you!"

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After our deep going conversation, he decided to make us an dinner. We collected everything he needed on our way to here. He told me not to help, I was confused. I liked it to help him. Especially with dinners. His nice "meals" and me setting the table with candles. And makes love while we where cooking. I just did what he ordered me. I walked to the couch and watched Tv. I turned around a few times, to watch him. But he then said: "Turn around, and don't you dare to turn around again!" I smirked when he said that. And he continued cooking, I took my phone and played a game.

"Is there anything I can do?" I asked not turning around.

"Well, Dinner is ready. So I will set the table outside, and can you poor in 2 classes of the red wine we bought?"

"Yes ofcourse!"

"Okay, don't come outside untill I will take you out. Be right back!" He said and I heard footsteps fear away. I stood up, gets 2 glasses. The red wine, and poored it in the glasses. I heard the footsteps coming back, he looked at me and dropped his dishcloth on the kitchen counter.

"You're going to tell me what's going on right?" He shook his head. "Oh come on! You know I totally hate surprises you know that as no other! Rick, please." I stood there, couldn't do anything against it. He kept shaking his head. He walked towards me, kissed me. And putted his hands for my eyes. "Rick What the hell are you doing!?" I almost screamed, but he shushed me.

"Just let me lead, okay. Trust me!" I was scared, didn't know what he was doing. And when I was thinking he started walking. He leads me outside, because I felt a breeze. He removed his hands and I opened my eyes. My mouth immediately dropped open. 'Did he really do this? For me?' I asked myself. "Do you like it Babe?" He asked, because I didn't answer at all.

"I can't say how much I love this. Why all this trouble?" I turned around to face him.

"Oh come on, we are together now. For 3 new months. I had to! I can't do nothing, it means much to me that you accepted me. And all that I settled you up with. This is my way to say Sorry." I looked him in the eyes, they started twinkling. I cupped his cheeks in my hands.

"Well In that case, Apologies accepted." I smiled and smacked my lips against his. I could feel he smiled against my lips. When we parted he was being a gentleman, and "helped" me sat down. I smiled at him and he sat down by himself. We ate the dinner he made, we shared stories. We laughed. Everything you could wish.

When we finished eating, we cleaned up. Together. We washed up everything, and then ended up on the couch. Not for very long. He told me to change in just my "normal" clothes. And shoes where I could walk on. I walked upstairs, confused as hell. But I did what he asked, I changed in Dark Blue Skinny Jeans, My Favorite Purple T-Shirt. And my Black heels. I can ran on these things, why not walk? I walked downstairs again, and he stood up from the couch. Giving me my jacket. I put on my jacket, and he said nothing. I stepped out, and he locked the door behind me. I turned to him.

"Rick? Where are we going?" He started laughing. "It's not funny!" He looked at me, smirking.

"Well I was about to take you for a walk, and show you the beautiful nature of The Hampton's. The small town by night, looking over the ocean." He stopped talking, and took my hand. "And just share this al together." He leaned down to kiss me. I smiled.

"I agree." He smiled too, and we started walking to the lights. There was a small "shopping centre" and it was lighten up. It looks way better then New York. Everything looks better here, only the sun did. With that in mind we kept walking, we buyed some souvenirs for Alexis and Sasha. And makes our way to the park, that looks really nice by the way. All the coloured flowers, in the white lights of the street lanterns. Rick told me a lot about some history, and why he buyed a house here. What he changed, and what changed in his life. I told him more about myself. He laughed by some parts that I told him. We walked to the beach, and we looked over the ocean. We saw little lights. Probably boats. Or just the mainland.

"You know Rick." He looked at me. "The Hampton's is a really nice pace to be. I love it here!"

"You do?"

"Yes. In the night it's amazing. All the lights and just the nature that lights up perfectly. It's all so, uh. Yeah so naturally. Not made. As compared to New York, this is much better."

"Why do you think so far away?"

"I was stuck in a lot of books when I was young. I enjoyed to read about Nature, and things people made. And this is so not set up. This is just naturally."

"When we ever get kids, please let them be crazy."


"Uhh. I mean, an. A-a...."

"Speak up Rick!!"

"Okay, an kind of an Combination between you and me. Smart, and childish." I laughed.

"I will not let them be as Childish as you!"

"And I will not let happen that they will be as smart as you."

"Let them be how they are."

"Agree." He smiled and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he wrapped his around my waist. I smiled in the kiss, and I felt he did too. He parted and that created a Confused look on my face.

"Babe, what are you doing?" I asked and he just looked at me.

"I know we where together now for 3 months. And this is maybe a little to soon. But I don't want to loose you again." He sat down on one knee, and I hit my hands for my mouth. Some tears escaped my eyes. "Katherine Houghton Beckett, will you marry me?"

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