Chp 12 The Talk

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"I-I.... Woww! I can't believe this happened!" He said in excitement.

"I can't believe it either!"

"Kate, that means.. We can't do a lot of stuff."

"Oh Babe! We can do enough." He looked at me. "I know, we buyed that Wine. And now I can't drink it. And no coffee for me, my work is now at stake, but I promise you, it's all good. I also promise to take it slow, and besides that. What can happen? The "baby" is just an day old. So far nothing to worry about."

"Hell yes I have to worry about you. You're my future, my everything. And I don't want that something happens to you. And I make sure, nothing will happen."

"What are you telling me?" I looked at him full wondering, of what he was telling me.

"I am going with you, to work."


"What? Kate! Come on, that would be great."

"Everyone thinks I hate you. And we ended up like this, Engaged. And I'm pregnant. Hell no that you're going with me! No way!"

"You, you what!? You told them you hated me."

"What else was I going to do then?"

"Truth. You always says you're woman of truth. Lying to colleagues, that's low. Even for you!"

"I told them we couldn't be together, for a reason. And they kept asking why. So I told them I hated you, because things happened in the past. Ofcourse I hated you, what you did to me. But "we" are back now. Understand me!" I teased.

"I see what you're doing."

"Do you?" I laughed. I placed my hands on his chest. "Do you really know what I am doing?" I teased once again. He gasped. And I started to laugh. "Oh gosh Rick. You never stopped doing that!" I laughed.

"You're otherwise not be unlearned!"

"Who do you think I am? You?" He laughed.

"You got me. Well otherwise. What about the pregnancy?"

"How do you mean?"

"Sickness, and stuff."

"Ohh, well the first weeks I will have an morning sickness. Which is not only in the morning.... So be prepared!" I teased and looked at the food. Almost burned. "Rick, honey. I think the food burned..." He turned around and turned off the stove.

"Oh no! Shit!" It makes me laugh, the way he panicked. I placed my hand on his shoulder to calm him down, and told him everything was fine.

"The house is still standing, nothing to worry about." I said.

"I know, I know. But this. Arghhh."

"Babe easy! Please. Calm down. Stress isn't good for me right now. I had stressed at Sasha's pregnancy to much. So please, save me the trouble!" That makes him look up.

"What happened?"

"Can we sit down, my head is spinning." I could hold me on the kitchen counter, because when I didn't I was falling to the ground. He helped me to the couch, and I placed my hand on my head.

"What happened in the pregnancy? You're scaring me out."

"Nothing special." I lied.

"You said you had "stressed" when you where carrying Sasha. What happened Kate?"

"Okay, Fine!" He placed his hand on my leg. "I was 16, in the middle of my exams. And pregnant. I stressed so much that I had to quit college... The baby feeled everything I did. And so the stress. Luckily she is fine, but I wasn't. And I am still not." He shocked by my words. "I passed out, a couple times. When I was about to give birth to Sasha, I passed out. And some days after it too. They took me in the Hospital for about 3 weeks....."

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I wasn't done. Yet."

"There is more in the story?" I nodded.

"Well, after Giving birth to Sash, I stayed in hospital 3 weeks. After that weeks, I got back to college to take all my exams. That took 2 months, and I passed all of them. I graduated, and I tought to have time for Sasha then. But no. My moms murder was never soled, I took an Detective Exam too. Again, stress. All the stress wasn't good for me, my dad and either Sash. She knew I was wrong. And my dad took care of her most of the days. I haven't see Sasha grow up."

"That isn't so bad."

"I know, but the worsest part. Uh..."

"You can tell me baby. I am not mad."

"Exactly. Sasha had a Sister. She died." He shocked. "Yes I had sex with another guy, but he left me on my own. And didn't care about me anymore. I know, you can be mad. But..."

"I am not mad, I did the same to you."

"I lost her sister because I was shot. I had to much stress on one case, and I was pregnant that time. When we tought we had the one who Killed my mom. I was shot. By the fall she is deceased... I killed my daughter, because I tought my work was more important than whatever else!" I looked at him, and some tears escaped.

"I am so sorry Kate. I really didn't expect this."

"I don't want that this Child of us will have the same as happened to my other daughter. I don't want that Rick!" He nodded. "How hard I live for my Job. How hard I want to kill the person who killed my mom, and my Child. It will be hard, to decide what the best is for me. But I don't want to risk it anymore. I have risked my life so much times. I don't know if I can..."

"If you can what? The pregnancy?!"

"I will do the pregnancy! Ofcourse! But risking my life, for the people I love? I don't know.. Maybe I will quit my job." He shocked.

"No Kate! You can't just quit because of this story you told me! Hell no! You can keep going, but take it a little more easier! You can do this. I believe in you." I looked at him, he nodded.

"You think I can?"

"C'on! You are Kate Beckett. Hell yes you can! You never quit!"

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