Chapter 16

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My memories rushed trough my body. Everything. I relived them. Part by Part. It felt like I was lost, everythig. If I lost everything, My Life. My kids. My Husband. Just everything. Could I come back to real life ever again?

Espo's Pov-

As fast as I could I runned to Beckett. She was laying on the ground, bleeding in her chest. I tried to stop the bleeding. But it kept coming. Big lakes where all around her. And she was shot only one time.

"RYAN! CALL AN AMBULANCE NOW!" I screamed, and he took his phone. And immediatelly called for an Ambulance. I took Beckett's phone, and called Sasha.

"Mom? What's wrong?" She picked up.

"Sash, this is Javi."

"Javi?! O no. what happened?" She was scared. Like me.

"Your mom has been shot in the precinct. And Captain Montgomery is death. I pick you up at home."

"By my dads place. I'm with my dad."

"Since when?"

"I text the adress. Need to tell dad now. And promise me one thing, that she will be alive!" with that she hang up, and I got an message. The adress.

"Ambulance will be here in 2 minutes." Ryan runned to us, and pressed his hands on her chest.

"Maybe 2 minutes to late!"


"I don't know if it is already to late! Same with Montgomery!"

"You don't need to think that Bad Javi! Stay positive!"

"I can't... We tried to safe Montgomery too. It was too late Ryan."

"I know you are upset. But we couldn't do anything. We didn't know that she was coming today. If we knew she could be safe now." Ryan said, and Kate's phone started to ring.

"Ryan?" Ryan picked up.

"Ryan. We are coming to the precinct now!"

"We? Sasha, who is we?"

"Me, my dad and my sister."

"Uh, no."

"RYAN! WE ARE COMING. NO MATTER WHAT!" With that she hang up.

"Good and bad news." Ryan said.

"What?" I looked up.

"Well there's only bad news."

"Tell me Bro."

"Sasha is coming this way. With her dad and sister."

"No time to talk about that now. Is it already 2 minutes later?"

"They can be here any moment." The elevator makes noise, and then the ambulance people came in. They layed Beckett on a stretcher, and rode her to the elevator. As soon as it opened they got her in, Ryan and I got in too. We came down, and Sasha jumped out the car.

"Where is mom!?" She screamed.

"Sash! She needs to go to the hospital. Go back in the car, and let your dad drive you to the hospital!" She shook her head. "NOW!" I screamed to her and then she saw her mom. She got tears in her eyes and runned back to the car. Ryan and I got my car and rode after the ambulance to the hospital.

Sasha's Pov-
As soon as we arrived in the hospital, they told us to wait. I didn't want to wait, she was in danger. And we all didn't know how her situation was, how she was. And at least what happened. She was just about to go to work. Not to be die there! I tought I could trust the precinct. Garantly we can't.

Waiting, waiting. And again waiting. I have sit here for 3 hours. No sign of mom. No one who told us that she was fine! No one! Espo started to get nervous. Ryan called with his wife, to make sure that there was someone who could give him hope. Lanie didn't want to know what was going on, loosing her best friend. Not an option for her. Alexis, she played with her bear. She didn't understand it. Luckily. Dad. Sitting on his chair. Not speaking. Looking into nowhere. And I. Walking circles around because I was nervous. Maybe to nervous. I don't know what I should think. Or whatever I wanted to think. It was one blur. My mind was completely emty, nothing came in, or goes out. Strange.

Another 2 hours passed by. No sign. We decided all to go home, except dad. Espo and Ryan dropped me and Alexis off at home. And they stayef for a drink until Grams came home. I texted with dad, he still didn't hear of her. I started to get really nervous.

*What if she can't make it dad?* I texted to him.

*She will make it! She is a fighter. No matter how, or whoever said she couldn't. She can make it darling.* I felt relieved when dad wrote that to me. Yes she was a fighter. In many different ways. But this was different too. She had been in the hospital for to long! Except that's what I think. I hate it. I hate docters, and hospitals.
*Go to sleep darling. Sleep in our bedroom. With Alexis. Take care, kisses to Grams. X.* That where his last messages. I thanked Ryan and Espo. And they brought me and Alexis to bed. They where such cuties. When they brought us to bed, closed the bedroom door behind them. Alexis and I fall asleep.

Castle's Pov-
No matter how long I would sit here, I stay! I will not loose my Fiancé on this way. I didn't really know what happened, that Espo figure was in an to big shock to tell. I accepted it, ofcourse I would be in shock too when my colleagues will been shot. Normal reaction.

"Mr Castle?" A docter called for me, and I looked up. I almost fall asleep.

"Yes, that's me."

"Mr Castle. I guess I have good and bad news."

"Tell me everything! Is she okay?"

"Well she was pregnant, as you maybe known." I nodded. "The baby is perfectly fine! But your Fiancé....."

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