Chapter 20 (Final Chapter)

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3 years later
I stepped inside, and Jo runned to me. She jumped in my arms and hugged me tight.

"Hey sweety. How was your day?" I asked her, she was 3 now. And such a cutie. "Was she difficult today Sash?"

"No, she was easy. She didn't cry. Well when you left. But she came above it!"

"Great! Then you did a great job Sash! Where is your dad?"

"Probably writing?"

"No, I am here. I was waiting Kate, for you to arrive." Rick walked towards me and kissed me.

"Well it was a hard day without you! But we are all here. I missed you."

"I missed you too babe!" He said and took Jo out my arms so that I could hang up my jacket, and take my shoes off.

3 years ago we had a huge fight. But all the things we said, we didn't mean it. A couple weeks later we got back together. He helped me trought this hard time. We celebrated our "comeback". And that the girls just got a little sister. Johanna, but Alexis called her Jo. It was to hard for her to pronounce her full name. But now she can. She turned 10 last week. And last month we celebrated Sasha's 15th birthday. She is a growing woman! I love it to see her like that, so young. But so old at the same time. Amazing! We got married last year, and we moved to The Hampton's house. Because I couldn't work anymore. One hit on my body, and I was probably dead. But then for real. Rick helped me trought this shit, not working was really hard for me. But I could spent all my time with the kids. Rick selled more books then ever before, that's how we could get the house standing. Martha leaved us alone. She said we needed time with eachother. My dad? Never heard of him again.

"So? How went the talk?" Rick asked.

"Babe. It was my friend. Lanie. Nothing happened!"

"I tought you where out for other reasons?"


"So? Are you going to tell me?"

"I visited the work place. I packed all my stuff I left there. I thanked everyone for all those great years. They cried. They would never have someone like me. I was their wapon, their strongest wapon."

"I'm so sorry for you babe! I'd never may force you to do this."

"One day Is the hardest of all. For me it was today." I looked at him. He knew I was sad. Everyone knew.

"Tomorrow is our 1 year anniversary. We are going to make that the best day ever! I promise you. It will be the best day ever." I smiled at him. "Oh and dinner is ready in 5 minutes!" He walked back to the kitchen. I smiled and walked to the dining room. I settled the table, and he makes sure everything was ready to be served! Sasha took Jo's chair and placed it by the table, Jo came running to her and Sasha placed her in her chair. Alexis runned to the table and shotgunned her chair. Sasha helped us with getting drinks for everyone. When everyone sat, we ate our dinner.

"What have you planned for tomorrow dad?" Sasha asked.

"Secrets, my girl." Sasha gave him her look. She learned well. He only laughed. I smiled at them. We knew he had something planned. "You will not know it my girl!" He teased her.

"Guys!" I came between before someone gets killed. "It's just our anniversary, Is it that special?"

"YES!" They said in sync. I froze.

"I am sorry mom. I will eat my food!" Sasha said and eated further, without looking or saying a word.

"And Rick? Would you eat warm food? Or rather cold?"

"Warm." He replied.

"I should eat if I was you!" I said and he eated further. In the meanwhile I feeded Jo. She was kind of hungry, that would her face say. If she really was? I have no Idea.

When we finished I ordered that Sasha and Alexis did the dishes, they agreed. I brought Jo to bed, and Rick was planning things. I told Jo a story. And she immediately fall asleep. I smiled at her, and turned off her lights. I closed the door of her room, and walked back down. I saw Sasha cleaning the tabe, and Alexis was putting all the plates in the right cabinet. And Rick? Dissapeared. Probably outside. Working on his BIG project, that's what he called it. No one can surprise me. Never again! Sasha said goodnight and went upstairs, Alexis helped me to clean the room a bit. After that, she goes to bed too. Rick was still outside. I took a look what he was doing. Calling. Right.

"Rick? Are you almost done?" He turned around and nodded. He ended his call quickly. And walked towards me, kissing me with passion. I smiled between our kiss.

"Maybe we should go to bed. Tomorrow is a long day!"

"You aren't telling me what you have planned, don't you?"

"Kate. It's a special day tomorrow. Hell no that I tell you what I have planned!" He laughed. The only thing I could was smiling at him. He took my hand, shut down the lights and took me upstairs. He opened the door of our room, he let me go in first. "You know Kate."

"What?" I said, turning around.

"You are the best I ever had!" He walked towards me, kissed me. "I love you!"

"Mh. I don't know if I love as much as you love me!"

"Mh I bet you love me even more." He layed me down on bed, kissed me again.

"Maybe you're right!" I chuckled when he layed on top of me, carefully unbuttoning my shirt. "Okay, I love you even more!"

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