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Maks pov
I wake up with a small body on mine. I look down and see Ellie's hazel eyes looking into mine.
"Hi, did you sleep well"
"Yeah, your really comfy and so is Peta, I mean mommy"
"You don't have to call her mom"
"But I want her to be my mom and I want you to be my dad"
"Okay" I say. I kiss her head. Peta wakes up and looks at Ellie.
"Hi sweetie"
"Hi" she said excited.
"What are we doing today" she asks.
"Mommy and daddy have to go to work"
"You can come with us"
"Yay, where do you work"
"We're both dancers on dancing with the stars"
"Cool" she says.
"Daddy make breakfast" she said pushing my shoulder.
"Hey" I say. She starts laughing. I pick her up and lay her down on the bed. I hover over her and tickle her. I start kissing her cheeks.
"Daddy stop" she said laughing. I stop tickling her.
"Bout time" she said. Peta started laughing at her comment.
"She's got your attitude"
"Dad go make breakfast"
"Only if you help me"
"Okay" she said wrapping onto me. Her arms were around my neck and legs around my arm.
"Don't drop me daddy"
"I won't" I say. We get downstairs and start making cinnamon rolls. Peta comes down in some athletic clothes. I take the cinnamon rolls out and put the glaze on them.
"Ellie don't touch, it's still hot"
"Okay" she said looking at it.
"Ellie" I say warning.
"I'm not gonna touch it"
I go over to Peta and hug her.
"So we have a kid now"
"I don't know, we'll see. She's so cute and I don't want her going in with someone she doesn't even know"
"I understand" she said.
"Are you ok with it"
"I don't know, I feel like we just started dating again"
"We don't have to be her owners, I can be her real guardian and you can just stay here and watch her. She doesn't have to know that you not her mom"
"I guess" she says.
"Ow daddy" Ellie said starting to cry. I turn around and run to her.
"What's wrong"
"It hot" she said pointing to the food.
"Let me see it"
I look at her finger and it's red. I get cold water running and put her finger over it. I dry her hand. I kiss her finger.
"All better" I ask.
"Mommy" she said holding her finger out. Peta kisses her finger and her forehead.

Peta's pov
I finish teaching part of the dance with my partner. I hear someone walk in. I look over and see Maks holding Ellie.
"Can you watch her for an hour"
"Yeah" I say. She runs over to me. I pick her up.
"Guys this is Ellie she is living with me and Maks right now"
"Can you say hi Ellie"
She buried her head in me. I set her down and tell her to sit in the chair. I go back to teaching. We take a drink break, I go over to Ellie.
"Sip" she asks me pointing to my water bottle. I hand it to her and she takes a drink.
"Mommy can you hold me"
"Yeah" I say. I pick her up and we walk over to the stairs. We start answering Twitter questions.
"Is Ellie smart"
"Yes she's very smart, Ellie what's 12 plus 7"
"19" she says smiling.
"Only six" I say.
"How about 15 minus 8"
"7" she says.
"Good job" I say giving her a high five.
Our live stream finishes.
"I'm hungry" Ellie tells Maks.
"We can go out to eat and then go adopt you so your all ours"
"Okay" she said smiling. We get in the car and drive to Wendy's. She gets the chicken nuggets.
"Mommy can I have some of your fries"
"Sure" I say. She reaches her hand in and grabs some fries. I smile at her.
Maks pov
Once were done eating we go to the family specialist.
"Hi we're here to adopt a little girl"
"And what is her name"
"Me" Ellie says.
"And what's your name"
"Ellie Hobbes"
"Okay, let me go see if she can talk"
The lady leaves. I look at Peta, she's being cute with Ellie. I wish she was gonna be Ellie's actual mom. Ellie loves her so much.
"Okay go on back but you are gonna come with me" she said pointing to Ellie.
"Where I go"
"To play, the adults have to talk"
"Okay" she said shyly. I kiss her forehead.
"You'll be okay, next time you see me you'll be all mine"
"Okay" she said smiling. I go into the office with Peta.
"Hi so you would like to adopt Ellie"
"She's a very mature girl for her age"
"We know" I say.
"So how long have you been married"
"We're not married, just dating"
"Why do you want a kid together then"
"We don't, I'm gonna be Ellie's father and then when we get married someday she will be her mother"
"Wait, I want to be her mom now" Peta said.
"Babe, you said earlier"
"I know but I love her and I want her to call me mom and it not be weird"
"Where do you live"
She continues to ask us questions.
"Do you both believe that you can watch and care for Ellie, make her happy when she is sad"
"yes" we say at the same time.
"Okay, I'll go get the paper work"
"You really want to be her mom"
"Well in that case, Peta will you marry me"
"Yes" I say.
"Oh my gosh yes yes yes a million times yes"
"Sorry I don't have a ring"
"It doesn't matter to me, but i will expect one soon"
"Of course" I say. I stand up and kiss her.
"Bad part of kids" Peta said.
"We don't get to have much fun unless their not home"
"Yeah but she will make it all up"
"Yeah she's so cute" Peta said.
The last came back. We filled out all the information and signed the papers.
We go into the playroom Ellie was in.
"hey" I say.
"Are you my real daddy now"
"Yay and your my real mommy"
I pick her up and she hugs me. She gives Peta a hug.
"We have a surprise for you when you get back home"
We pull into our driveway. The lights were still on in the house.
"What's my surprise" she said running to the front door. I unlock it and she runs in. We see Witney and Mark, Val and Jenna, and Emma and Sasha in there.
"Hey what are you doing here" she asked them.
"We had to help with your surprise"
"What it is" she asked over and over again. I pick her up. Let's go to your room.
"No I want to see my surprise" she whined. I set her on the ground once we get upstairs. She crosses her arms at me. Open the door. She opens it and her room completely redone. It is white. Her eyes grow wide at all the toys she has.
"And one more thing" I say. We all walk back downstairs. We go to a old room.
"Go ahead El" I say. She opens it and there's a new playroom for her.
"I love it" she screams. Witney and marks little boy, Owen walks up to her. He is 6 also.
"Hi I'm Owen" he says smiling.
"Hi I'm Ellie" she said said with her cheeks red.
"Your really pretty"
"Thank you"
"We can be friends"
"Okay" he says.
"I want to be the baker"
"I'll be your customer"
They start playing in her play room. The adults all sit back down.
"Tomorrow I'll bring, Alivia over" Emma said.
"I'll get Ty to come too" Val said.
We talk for awhile longer and Witney decided she wanted to go home. We walk back to her playroom and she's wrapped in Owens arms. They were both asleep.
"Aw" Peta and Witney say.
"She's only 6 God" I say looking up at the sky. I shake Ellie a bit.
"Daddy I tired"
"Okay let's get you to bed"
I pick her up. Peta follows me upstairs. She changes her into some pj's. I go back in her room and tuck her in. I kiss her nose.
"Goodnight Ellie"
"Night daddy, I love you"
"I love you too"

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww, I'm going on my first date tonight😱😱😲

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