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Peta's pov
I feel a small body next to me. I know Ellie is still asleep. I look over at Maks and he is awake.
"Good morning gorgeous"
"Good morn-" I started then ran to the bathroom. I started throwing up. Maks comes in and holds my hair back.
"You okay baby"
"No" I say then throwing up even more.
"Mommy, I have school today" Ellie says.
"I know, I can take you"
"Okay" she says.
"Let's go get you dressed"
Today was Ellie's first day of public school. She was going to school with all of her friends so I know she wouldn't be too scared on the first day. I go into Ellie's room and she's already dressed.
"Do I look good mommy"
"Beautiful now let me do your hair"
I start braiding her hair in two braids.
"How many more months till you and daddy get married"
"3 more"
"Yay, I'm getting really excited"
"Me too"
"Are you gonna say I do"
"Of course"
"Well one time I went to a wedding and she said no"
"I'm not gonna say no to daddy, I love him a lot"
"How much"
"A lot a lot"
"Hm I love him more"
"I know you do" I said finishing her hair. I look at the two braids.
"There's my girls, I made breakfast" Maks said popping his head in.
"Yay" she said.
We go downstairs and eat our food.
"Grab your book bag El"
She grabs her book bag and we all go out to the car. She sits in the backseat. I see her start to get more nervous. We show up at the school.
"Mommy I'm scared"
"Don't be, just go find Owen and Alivia"
"Will you walk me to my class"
I look over at Maks. He parks the car and we both go in with her. A lot of the students stare at us as we walk to the class. We stop in front of her classroom.
"Okay make some new friends and Witney will pick you up after school"
"Why not you"
"We both have work"
"But I want to see you after school"
"Sweetie she's gonna take you to us after school"
"Okay" she said. I kiss her cheek.
"Be good and no boys unless his name is Owen" Maks says to her
"Gotcha daddy" she says.
Ellie's pov
I walk into the classroom. I see an open seat next to Owen. I sit down next to him.
"Hey Owen"
"Hi Ellie, how's your day going so far"
"Good I guess, I'm kind of scared"
"Don't be"
"Okay class first we're gonna introduce ourselves"
The teacher starts calling people up to the front to say their names, one thing they like to do, and who their role model is.
"Ellie" she says. I go up to the front of class.
"My name is Ellie Chmerkovskiy, my favorite thing to do is dance and my role model is my mom"
"And who is your mom"
"Peta murgatroyd" I say.
"I didn't know they were your parents"
I sit down and watch the other kids go up. I see a kid go up that is really cute. I started thinking about talking to him maybe but then I remembered what dad told me. No boys except for Owen. Maybe Tanner can be excluded from my dads thoughts.
"Students if you would start walking around and introducing yourself to the other students"
I talk to Owen for awhile and then I start talking to others. I see Tanner by himself. I go up to him.
"Hi I'm Ellie"
"Tanner" he said.
"I think your really pretty...I mean nice to look at...I mean you look good today"
"Um thanks" I say. "I think your kinda cute too."
"Maybe we can sit together at lunch and play at recess together"
"Sounds fun"
"Hi I'm Owen and you are" Owen said cutting in on our conversation.
"I'm Tanner"
"Cool so what are you guys talking about"
"Just maybe hanging out during recess"
"Oh" Owen says putting his arm around me.
"I sure do love El, she my princess"
I start blushing. As cute as Tanner is I will always have a thing for Owen. It's just natural between us. He's been my friend since the day I moved in with Maks and Peta.
"Students sit down"
We all sit down in our seats. Owen reaches for my hand and holds in under the table.
"I love you Ellie"
"I love you too Owen" I say.
"Time for lunch" our teacher said. We all line up. I grab my lunch pal and walk down with Owen holding my hand still. I had Tanner right behind me. I sit down at a table with Alivia and Owen. Tanner comes up next to me and sits down.
"Hi I'm Tanner" he says to Alivia.
"Hi I'm Alivia"
"So you like dance right"
"Yeah" I say.
"What studio"
"Dance with me"
"Oh gosh I heard that place is expensive"
"It is but my dad owns it"
"Oh wow"
"Yeah" I say. Owen grabs my hand and puts it on the table. The teachers started dismissing us to go to recess. We all run outside we go to the swings. I sit next to Owen. There wasn't enough for all of us so Tanner pushed me on mine. We get off the swings and go to the monkey bars. We sit on top of them. Tanner puts his arm around me. I look at Owen, he looks jealous. We get down and start talking.
"Do you like her" Owen asks Tanner.
"Yeah what are you gonna do"
"I'm gonna say to stop because you don't deserve her"
"Deserve her, dude were in 3rd grade"
"Ellie is beautiful and you don't get to have her"
"I can like whoever I want"
"Anyone but Ellie because she's mine"
"No she's mine"
"Guys I'm only 7, I don't need a boyfriend"
"Yeah but when your older you will, and that boy will be me" Owen said.
"No it won't" Tanner says angry. Owen kisses my cheek.
"What are you gonna do about it"
Tanner punches Owen in the stomach. They start fighting on the ground. Owen tackles his and punches his face. The recess teacher pulls them inside. Alivia comes down next to me.
"What in the world just happened"
"I have no clue" I say.

Awwwwwww Owen was standing up for Ellie❤️. I gotta go to my dads work early tomorrow so I should probably get some sleep.

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