Family trip

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Ellie's pov
As much as I love hanging out with Owen and my parents it's starting to get boring. Everyday I get up go to dance with Owen, come home and go swimming, watch a movie together, take a nap, and then go out to dinner together, finally go to sleep on his trampoline at night. It's fun but after doing it everyday for 3 weeks not so much. I wake up and my dad is here. He usually is at work already.
"Hi dad, what are you here for"
"Me and mom have something exciting to tell you"
"Is she having another baby"
"Aw" I say disappointed.
"We have to wait for Mark Witney and Owen to get here too"
"Yay" I say not excited.
"What's that about"
"I hang out with Owen everyday and do the same thing. It's getting boring dad"
"Tell him you want to do something different"
"You know what I will" I say with confidence.
There was a knock on the door and dad went to get it. Witney, Mark and Owen walked in.
"Peta they're here" my dad said up the stairs. My mom comes down holding Kai. When my dad holds his hands he can stand up. Owen puts his arm around me.
"Kids can you sit down on the couch"
Me and Owen sit down on the couch together. My mom put Kai in my lap.
"We have something very exciting to tell you"
"You know how we all have tour next week"
"Yeah" we say with sadness in our voice. Our parents were gonna leave next week because of tour. We were gonna stay with aunt Sharna.
"Well we found out today that you guys can come"
"Really" we ask. They all nod their heads.
"Yay" we scream. Dad comes over to me and picks me up.
"You excited Ell"
"Yeah, I've never out of California before"
"We're gonna have our first family trip" mom said.
"I'm really excited" I say. Mark and Witney leave with Owen.
"You have dance" dad said to me.
"Do I have to go"
"Sweetie your learning a new jive today"
"I want to go" I say. Jive is my favorite dance. I run upstairs to get my dance outfit on. My dad takes me to dance and I run in.
Maks pov
I had a burning desire to have sex with Peta. I know we have Kai to watch but I was think Mark and Witney could watch him. If not them Jenna will, she loves Kai to death. I call Mark.
"What do you want? I'm trying to have sex with my wife" he said angered.
"Bro calm down I'll call Jenna"
I call Jenna.
"Hey what's up" she said breathing heavily.
"Are you having sex"
"Yeah but I can talk"
"Who's on the phone babe" I hear Val say.
"Stop calling my wife during sex that weird"
"Jenna I was wondering if you would want to watch Kai for awhile today"
"Omg yes I'd love to have that little chunk"
"Yeah but I need you to watch him starting now"
"Okay I'll be over in a minute" she said. I hang up and pull into our driveway. I go inside and see Peta playing with Kai.
"Babe" I say getting her attention.
"Hey" she said. I wrap my arms around her and kiss her lightly.
"I've really been wanting sex lately" I say kissing her neck.
"Me too but we can't with him in the house"
"That's why I called Jenna" I say. She bits her bottom lip.
"You sure do know how to make me happy"
"It's my job" I say. Jenna runs in with Val behind her.
"Where's my little chunk" she said. She runs over to him and picks him up. He starts laughing. Val comes over to me and Peta.
"I hate you" he said to me.
"What did I do"
"We were having sex, and it was good too. She gets a call from you and has to go get Kai. I swear she loves him more than me"
"Probably" Peta said. I look over at Jenna and she has his diaper bag packed and is ready to go.
"Thank you so much Maks" she said. I give a kiss to Kai's head. Peta kisses his cheek.
"Have fun little man" I say.
"Oh we will. Right Val"
"Yep tons" he said with no enthusiasm. They leave and I pick Peta up. Her legs go around me tightly. I pin her against the wall. We make out and take each other's shirts off. I open the door to the room. We fall in and land on the ground. I pull her bra off and kiss all over her body. She gets my belt off and pulls my shorts off. I pull her shorts off slowly. She gladly sheds her panties and throws them to the other side of the room. She take my boxers off. She slides on top of me. I groan loudly at the same time she moans. She hops up and down on me. I thrust up into her hard. She moans loudly. I grab her boobs and push her down on me. I suck on her boobs.
"Babe" I say.
"I want to please you" I say. She gets off me and I pull her to me. I shove my face into her. She starts moaning louder and louder.
"Ugh Maks yes please ugh right there" she moans pushing me in further. She pulls my head out of her.
"Your amazing" she said.
"Tha-" I get cut off my being pushed back into her. She start moaning again.
"Fuck Maks" she screams.
"You okay" I ask.
"Just finish me god dammit" she said pushing me in. I flick my tongue over her favorite spot just for awhile. She lets out whimpers of pleasure as she goes down her high.
I laid beside her. I look around, so does she.
"We just had sex in our daughters playroom"
"Oops" I say.
"I'm still horny, you" she asked.
"Yeah but I don't feel like getting up"
"Well we already had sex once in here what's a second time gonna hurt"
"Nothing" I say getting on top of her.

So that was my chapter. I'm still sick and I still can't see the comments😊

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