I love him

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Ellie's pov
Today is my school dance. I'm so excited. My mom was curling my hair and making it look nice. I step into my pink dress. My mom gives me my silver flats.
"Let me do your makeup" she said. My mom starts doing my makeup. She's really good because she has to do her own for tour. I hear the door bell ring.
"Oh that's probably him" she said excited. We walk downstairs and Owen is holding flowers for me. My aunt Witney and uncle mark are standing there too.
"Hey" he said. He gave me the flowers. He looked at my dad for assurance.
"Go ahead" he said. He leaned in and kisses me lightly.
"I'm so excited" he said.
"Let's go outside and get your photos"
"Okay" I said. We get photos done and the moms take us to the school.
"Have fun and no grinding" aunt Witney said.
"Mom" Owen whined. I laughed and we walked in together. I see some of our friends and start dancing with them. A slow song comes on and we start slow dancing. I rest my head on him shoulder and kiss his cheek. The song ends and Owen pulls me off. We go behind a wall and he pins me against it. He slams his lips on mine. We start making out. His hands go down to my butt slowly. I break the kiss.
"If only my dad knew how we actually kiss"
"He'd kill me" Owen said.
"Probably. Now let's get back to kissing" I say pulling him into me. He moves his lips perfectly with mine.
"I can't wait till your parents find out your doing this and then I can prove to you this is bad idea"
"Whatever, we love each other and they won't make us break up or anything" Owen said.

The dance finishes and we have to wait outside for our moms.
"My mom is just leaving" I say.
"How long does it take"
"10 minutes" I say. He leans me up against our school and starts kissing me again. I guess we got to much into each other because a car horn broke us apart.
"Owen Derek Ballas" Witney screamed.
"Ellie Madison Chmerkovskiy get your ass in this car right now"
I put my head down and walk into our car. We pull into my house and our moms look pissed.
"How was the dance" Mark asked.
"You would not believe what your son was doing to Ellie"
My dad stood up and walked up to Owen.
"Dad please don't hurt him"
"What did you do to my daughter"
"I kissed her"
"Why is that such a big deal"
"There was tongue" my mom said. My dads face turned dark.
"How long has this been happening"
"About 4 months" Owen says.
"10 months" I say at the same time as him.
"Owen Derek" Mark says.
"Dad I love her"
"And I love him"
"That doesn't mean you need to make out"
"Dad were 13, it's not like we're 10" I say.
"No you two are no longer allowed to dance together, go home together, or spend the night at each other's houses"

Next day at school
I was at my locker when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turn around and see Owen.
"Hey gorgeous" he said.
"Ugh I kiss you" I say hugging him tightly.
"I miss you too" he said. He grabs my waist and pins me against my locker.
"I love you" he said.
"I love you more"
He leans in and kisses me. I know it's against our rules right now but I can't help it. His lips are so kissable. We part.
"I've gotta go to class, see ya later princess" he said kissing my cheek.

Soooooooooo this was decent. Tomorrow is costume day at school and I'm dressing up as a ninja turtle😎

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