Wedding Pt. 2

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Maks pov
We walk over to the reception area. I wrap my arm around Peta and kiss her cheek.
"Your all mine" I say.
"I have no problem with that" she says back. I look into her pretty green eyes.
"I hope he has your eyes" I say putting my hand on her stomach.
"Who said its a boy"
"No one but it would be nice to have a little boy"
"Maks we'll find out in two months"
"I know and I can't wait to see him or her and hold them"
Everyone comes in and congratulating us and sitting down.
"Mommy, when do we go get food"
"They'll serve us sweetie"
"Fancy" she said.

After we ate our food it was me and Peta's turn to dance. Since she was 7 months pregnant she couldn't really do much. I slowly spun her around every once and awhile. The song comes to an end and we gently kiss. Fast music comes on and everyone starts dancing. I see Ellie dancing with Owen and some other boy, I'm guessing it's Tanner. Owen grabs her hand and starts doing ballroom moves with her since they are partners. Me and Peta go sit down because she was getting tired. Mark and Witney were still sitting here.
"So I guess Owens got some competition" Peta said.
"Ugh Ellie will not be dating Tanner" I say.
"Owen won't go down without a fight as you know" Mark said. The song ends and the kids go off the floor together. They walk past us. I grab Owens shirt.
"Hi uncle Maks" he says scared.
"Don't be scared, I just want you to do something for me"
"I need you to make sure that Ellie doesn't have anything with Tanner. If they start connecting hold her hand, kiss her cheek, I don't care just let him know that she isn't allowed to date him"
"Yes sir" he says.
3rd pov
Owen walked over to Ellie and Tanner. He grabbed her hand and kissed it. A slow song came on.
"Would you like to dance princess" he asked her. She blushed and nodded her head. They walk out to the dance floor together and he wraps his arms around her waist. She puts hers around his neck. They start swaying side to side.
"I love you Ellie"
"I love you too Owen" she said.
"When I say that I mean it. Like I want to marry you someday"
"That would be okay with me" she said pulling him closer. They both look in each other's eyes.
"Can I kiss you Ellie"
"On the lips" she asks.
"Yeah, I'll make it quick"
"Okay" she said blushing harder. He leans in and kisses her on the lips for two seconds.
"Your lips are soft" she says.
"Yours taste like cotton candy"
"I have lip gloss on"
"Ew do I have it on my lips" he asked. She laughs and wipes it off his lips.
"Thank you" he said to her.
"Your welcome" she said.
The song ends and a new slow song comes on.
Tanner comes over.
"May I cut in"
"No" Owen says.
"Too late" he said taking Owens spot. Owen looks at him mad. Ellie smiles at something Tanner says. Owen walks up to him.
"Maybe you didn't see it but me and my girl just had our first kiss of many. So back up asshole"
"Owen Ballas" Witney screams. The parents come running over to them.
"You do not say bad words"
"Mom he is flirting with Ellie. She's mine and I've made that very clear to him before"
"You mean when I kicked your butt at recess"
"Guys you are fighting over a girl who doesn't even need a boyfriend" Maks says.
"Uncle Maks, we've already told each other we love each other and we've kissed"
"You've kissed" Mark and Peta ask at the same time.
"Yeah it was really short though"
"Why would you kiss her when she likes me" Tanner said.
"Because she likes me" Owen said pushing him.
Tanner goes to throw a punch but Maks stops him.
"Your not gonna hurt him or my daughter so you are no longer allowed to talk to her, look at her, or think about her"
"Daddy" Ellie says whining.
"No El, he isn't a good guy and I don't want you talking to him"
Tanner walks out of the area. Ellie looks up at Maks mad.
"Princess, I know your young and you don't understand the fact that boys aren't all perfect. You will learn at some point that perfect boys are hard to find and Owen is one of them"
Owen smiles big and grabs her hand.
"Don't worry Ellie, I'm still here" Owen says to her. She lays her head on his chest and he wraps his arms around her.

Daaaaaaamn Maks and Owen protecting Ellie😏

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