Baby boy

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Peta's pov
Maks put me on bed rest this entire week. There was a knock on my door.
"Come in" I say. The door slowly opens and Ellie runs in.
"Hi mommy"
"Hi sweetie" I say.
"Are you hungry because I can get you something"
"Is there still some of your chocolate chip cookies downstairs"
"I'll take one of those" I say. She runs out and I start to sit myself up. I'm failing but I'm still trying.
"Oh baby here let me help" Maks says coming in. He puts his arms around me and lifts me up so I'm sitting.
"Are you comfy"
"Very" I say pulling him in. We start making out.
"Mommy I got-ewww daddy" Ellie says. We break our kiss and look over at our girl. She was holding the last two cookies. She got in bed with me.
"I want to talk" she says.
"Go ahead princess" Maks says.
"Just to mom" she said. Maks leaves the room.
"So what's up"
"I talked to Tanner today"
"Sweetie we told you not to"
"I know but he talked to me first. He came up to me a recess and told me he's sorry"
"For what" I ask.
"Causing problems. He said that he really likes me and he still wants to be friends"
"Well tell him mommy and daddy don't want you to be friends"
"I know I told him that I only like Owen now"
"Good" I say.
"I'm tired" she said.
"me too" I agreed. She laid her head on me and cuddled with me.
"My little cuddle bug"
Maks comes in. "Aw can I join" he asks.
"Yeah daddy I made a spot for you" she said. He get in next to Ellie. We all fall asleep together.

I wake up and Ellie is gone. Maks is on his phone checking Twitter.
"hey gorgeous"
"Hi" I say. I pull him into me and we start making out. I start to feel pain in my stomach. I brush it off as the baby kicking. It starts getting sharper. I bit down hard on Maks lip.
"Ow babe" he mumbles. I let a scream out and hold my stomach.
"Baby what's wrong"
"I'm having a child what the hell does it look like"
"I'm sorry, why don't we get you to the hospital" he says. He picks me up and carries me downstairs.
"Where's Ellie"
"She went to mark and wits"
"Call Jenna, Sharna is in Australia right now"
Maks calls Jenna through the car.
"Hey what's-"
"Peta is going into labor"
"Oh god I'll be there in a minute"
We get to the hospital and Maks picks me up. They put me on the gurney and wheel me back. Maks holds my hand the entire time.
"Please don't leave me" I say to him.
"I would never" he says back.
Maks pov
"Peta your gonna start pushing in a minute"
"Not till Jenna gets here"
"Okay" he says. Jenna runs in and starts motivating Peta.
"Peta it honestly hurts like hell but you'll do great" Jenna said.
"You can do this baby" I say.
"Go ahead and push" the doctor said.
"Ah fuck Maks I hate you" she screams.
"I love you baby your doing great"
"Ugh I love you so much but I hate you" she screams at me.
"It's okay baby your fine"
"Maks tell me how beautiful I am" she said.
"Peta your so gorgeous. Your the prettiest girl in the entire world. I love you so much baby. I can wait to see this little one just keep pushing baby"
I hear a loud baby cry.
"It's a boy" he said. Peta had tears in her eyes same with mine.
"Peta you did so good"
She lays her head back and let's out deep breath. The nurse comes back out with him. Peta holds him for the first time.
"I love him so much" she said to me.
"Names" I ask.
"I kind of like Kai"
"It does have a nice ring to it"
"So Kai Valentin Chmerkovskiy"
"Perfect baby" he said. The nurse let's Ellie come in first.
"Hi mommy" she said shyly. Maks picked her up so that she could see him.
"He's so cute" she said.
"Can daddy hold him and I'll hold you"
"Okay" she said. Maks sat Ellie on Peta's lap. She looked at the baby with care.
"I love you um what's his name" she asked.
"I love you Kai"
Peta gives him to me. I look down in wonder. I made this little guy. He is mine, I have a kid. I have a little boy. He opens his eyes and their green just like Peta's.
"P look at his eyes" I say. I bend down so they can see.
"Wow we already have a heart throb" Peta said.
"They're a pretty green just like yours"
"Thank you, can we have friends now"
"Yeah sure" I say. I tell the nurse and she's ones to get them. They come into the room and surround me.
"He's so cute Peta"
"His eyes are so green"
He does a baby yawn and rests his head on my forearm.
"Awwww" the moms all say.
"Peta what do you of Maks holding the baby"
"Honestly I think it's hot like if he started posing right now it would be for a magazine"
"Thank you baby" I say.
"Oh what's his name"
"Kai Valentin"
"So cute"
"Are you here tonight" Witney asks.
"Yeah I think so"
"We can have Ellie spend the night with us" Witney says.
"No, I want to stay here"
"Sweetie there's not enough room"
"But what if I want a daddy or mommy cuddle"
"I'm pretty sure Witney or mark will gladly cuddle with you"
"But I'm mommy's cuddle bug, I can't cuddle with someone else"
"Sweetie you can cuddle with whoever mommy won't get jealous" Peta said.
"If I do can we go back and get my bunny"
"Yes" Witney says. It was a school night so they had to leave.
"Bye princess I'll see you tomorrow"
"Bye bug I love you"
3rd pov
Ellie got into the backseat with Owen. She started getting scared because she's getting separated from her parents yet again. She lets a tear go down her face.
"Ellie don't cry, I'll cuddle with you"
"Thanks Owen"
They get to the Chmerkovskiy house. Mark has a key and he goes in. Ellie runs up to her room and starts packing a bag. She doesn't know what to pack though.
"Aunt Witney can you help me" she asked. Witney ran upstairs to the little girls room.
"What's wrong"
"Mommy usually helps me pack"
"Okay" she said. Witney tells her what she needs to pack. Ellie puts her pjs on so its easier when they get to their house. They get back in the car. Owen wraps his arm around her and tries to comfort her. She lays her head on his shoulder and starts to fall asleep.
By the time their at Witney and marks house she's asleep.
"Mom she fell asleep on me" Owen said.
"Aw" Witney said. Mark comes around and picks her up.
"She's light" Mark said.
"She is really small" Witney says. Owen walks in with his dad carrying Ellie's bag. Ellie wakes up and freaks out at first.
"It's okay it's just me, uncle mark" she holds onto him tightly.
"I'm sorry" she whispered.
"Ellie you can sleep with me or mom and dad" Owen says.
"Um" she said quietly.
"Ellie you can talk it's not the first time you've spent the night"
She runs over to Witney and holds her leg. 
"Owen I think she's a little nervous and shy. We're gonna keep her with us for the night"
"Okay" he said. He walks up to her.
"Goodnight beautiful" he said then kissed her cheek. The three walk into their room and Ellie lays in the middle. Witney gets in first. Ellie cuddles up to her and rests her head on her.
"Peta wasn't lying your a cuddle bug"
"I love to cuddle"
"Your adorable"
Mark joins them and she stretches out on him like she does with Maks.
"Do you always sleep like this" Mark asked.
"Yeah mommy and daddy are used to it"
There was a long pause.
"Witney can I see your hair"
"Um why"
"It reminds me of mommy's"
"Okay" she said. She flips some of her hair to the side with Ellie on it. Ellis moves around and puts her hand on Witney's hair.
"Do you want to watch a movie" Witney asks her.
"No usually mommy will put on music if I can't sleep"
Mark gets up and grabs his guitar. He starts strumming it.
"What song E"
"Here comes the sun" she says smiling. He starts playing his guitar and singing. The door opens and Owen comes in. He gets on the bed also. The three relax to marks singing. Owen kisses her head again and wraps his arms around her.
"I love you Ellie"
"I love you too Owen" she said.

That was soooooooo cute! I'm sick like throw up sick. I have been having scary dreams lately. Like everyone of them I'm getting chased or killed in. Or I'm on some crazy mission to save the damn world. I hate my dreams lately. When I first started writing I got like half of my ideas from my dreams! Fun fact for ya!

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