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Peta's pov
Today was the last day of school for the kids. Ellie is having a pool party after school for her grade. Yes her entire grade is coming to the house to swim and for food.
I was making food for Ellie and was trying to watch Kai. Maks walks in mad.
"I can not stand him anymore" he screams. I walk over to him and wrap my arms around him.
"What's wrong babe" I ask.
"You know how I was gonna get a new dance studio open"
"Yeah in Ohio"
"Well the land owner called me today and said that he has another couple who asked for more. I said I would raise my offer so I could get it but he said he can't tell me how much the other offered"
"Why" I ask.
"Because that's against the law" he said. I get on my tippy toes and kiss him. He picks me up.
"What are you making gorgeous it smells amazing"
"Cookies, caramel for apples, rice crispy treats and I made a cake earlier"
"What are they going to eat other than sugar"
"You my handsome man are going to make burgers"
Someone knocked on the door. Maks walks over. I catch him.
"Why don't you just sit down and watch Kai"
"Okay" he said sitting down. I get the door and see Witney and Jenna.
"We are here to help"
"Thank you" I say pulling them in. Mark and Val walk in behind them.
"Great you can help Maks make burgers"
I turn back around and Maks is playing with Kai and making him smile. Witney and Jenna are staring at Kai and smiling with him.
"Mark you know we should have another kid"
Mark looks at Maks and hits him in the back of the head. Kai starts laughing at it.
"Hey if I can make a kid laugh by hitting Maks all day I will" Mark said raising his hand to hit him again. Witney pulls his hand down.
"I love you and I'd like to see you live for another day"
I hand Maks packs of raw burgers.
"Cook them" I say.
"But you told me to watch him"
"I love you" he said getting up. The guys walk outside.
"So what are we making"
"We need to finish the caramel apples" I say.
"Okay" they say.

We finish the caramel apples.
"Cupcake time" Witney said.
"We have to wait for Ellie she wanted to help with those"
"Okay" we say sitting down.
"Peta there's a guy here with some bounce houses" Maks says.
"Yeah you rented those"
"Oh yeah" he said. I hear the guys setting up the bounce houses in our backyard.

After Ellie got home we started making cupcakes together. It was getting closer to the party starting.
"Ellie, go change its already 4:30"
"Okay" she said running upstairs. She comes back down in her pink and orange sundress. She has her swimsuit on underneath it. Someone knocked on the door and Ellie ran over to get it. Mark and Witney were standing there with Owen.
"Hi Owen" she said. He came in and gave her a big hug.
"Are we allowed to kiss" Owen asked.
"Aw make it quick" Witney said. They leaned in and kissed for a second.
"Hey that's my daughter" Maks said walking in.
Owen hid behind his fathers legs. Maks goes back and picks him up.
"What do you think your doing"
"Kissin Ellie"
Maks laughs at him.
"As long as she's the only girl you're kissing"
"Yes sir" Owen says. We leave the door open so people can walk in freely. A lot of the parents are coming with the kids.
3rd pov
More kids kept coming most parents walking into the house with an amazed face by the size of the house. In the backyard kids were swimming, jumping and eating. Everyone was having a great time. Maks walks up to Peta and gives her a kiss.
"Hi gorgeous" he said. She was holding Kai.
"I love our family" he said kissing her head.
"I love you too" she says back. Ellie was sitting on the side of the pool dipping her feet in with her girl friends. Owen swims over to her and gets out. Later tonight they were gonna have a big campfire. Owen puts his arm around her and kisses her cheek.
Some parents walk up to Maks, Peta, Witney and Mark.
"Hi" Peta says.
"Hi do you allow your children to kiss each other and hug and touch"
"Yes, being dancers were very close people and being raised by very loving parents they know how to show love to others" Witney says.
"So you support this"
"Yeah, not so much kissing frequently but kissing on the cheek, hugging and cuddling is perfectly fine for kids"
"I'm sorry but I completely disagree, kids should not be touching that much of even sitting that close till their at least 11. Come on they're just kids"
"Yes but that's how you raised your child and how raise ours" Maks says. Peta put her hand on his shoulder to calm him.
"Well my child Benji is a sweet heart"
She turns around. All of the parents roll their eyes. A little boy wearing a collared shirt and dress pants walks up. Oh I forgot he has a comb over.
"Hello" he said.
"What the hell are you wearing" Mark asks. Witney hits his arm.
"I can't believe you would ever cuss in front of children"
"Sorry it slipped"
Maks lets out a chuckle.
"Do you think this is funny"
"No" he said not laughing anymore. Owen and Ellie run over to us.
"Dad give me a piggy back ride" Owen says.
"Daddy give me one" Ellie says.
they jump onto Maks and Marks back. The little boy looks like he wants one.
"Daddy to the cupcakes" Ellie said pointing to the cupcakes.
"Follow them if you want to live" Owen said pointing to Ellie and Maks. Mark follows behind them. They come back with the kids eating cupcakes on their fathers backs.
"Mom can I have a cupcake"
"No you already had your daily dose of sugar"
"Come on its summer" Ellie says to the mom with blue teeth.
"Please mom" he begged.
"Okay but only one"
"Thank you mom I love you"
She smiles at her sons happiness.
"See kids are happy when you let them be kids" Peta said.
"Daddy when are we starting the bonfire"
"Soon sweetie, can you go find Sasha, Val, and Derek" Maks asked the two kids.
"Yeah" they say running off. The mom walked away. Hayley, Jenna and Emma walked up to Peta and Witney.
"Where were you jenn"
"Me and Val had sex"
"In our car" she said.
"Well okay then"

When it got dark the guys got the bonfire started. All the kids sat around it and talked. The parents joined them. Ellie was holding Owens hand. She put on a pair of jeans but still only had a tank top on. She started shaking because she was cold. Owen took his jacket off and put it on her. He zipped it up and put his arm back around her. She rested her head on his shoulder.
"I love you Ellie Madison Chmerkovskiy"
"I love you too Owen Derek Ballas"
"This is gonna be the best summer ever" she said.

That was pretty cute.
What has been your favorite chapter of the book?
Mine was the wedding part 2 because Maks and Owen were protective over Ellie.
Tell me your in the comments😘

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