Girls day

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Peta's pov
Today me and Ellie we're going out to have some fun. Maks head is still resting on me. I hear Kai crying. I slowly slide out from Maks and go into his room. I pick him up and rock him back and forth. I lay him down once he stops and change his diaper. I go to put his onesie back on but he starts crying. I take it off and he gives me a gummy smile. I carry him downstairs with me. I put him in his high chair with some toys and he starts playing and chewing on them. I start making eggs and bacon. I hear him start to whine. I get his baby food and feed him. He eats half of the cup which is normal for him. I hear Maks come downstairs. He only has his boxers on.
"Aw my little man is matching me" he said kissing Kai's cheek. He picks him out of his high chair. He comes over to me and wraps his arm around my waist.
"Thank you for making breakfast"
"I already ate so let me see him so I can breastfeed"
He gives me Kai and I walk over to the table. I start breast feeding him. Ellie walks down and gets her plate of food. She sits with us.
"You want some chocolate milk princess" Maks asks her.
"Dad, stop calling me that and I can get it myself"
He looks at me and I can see tears in his eyes.
'Stop' I mouth to him. He blinks in attempt to get the tears to go away. She comes back with a cup of chocolate milk. I take Kai off my boob. Maks keeps his eyes locked on me.
"Don't forget that we're going out today bug"
"Okay" she said excited.
"Maks hold him I'm gonna go get ready"
There was a knock on the door I go get it still holding Kai. Jenna walks in.
"Hi come in" I say too late.
"Your brother is being a dick"
"Ellie go upstairs" Maks said. She goes upstairs.
"What did he do"
"This morning while I was cleaning Ty's room he said we should have sex like in our sons room! Then I went to the laundry room and he was standing in there naked. He kept wanting me to have sex with him"
"Did you" I ask.
"Yeah we did it on the table"
"Was it good"
"Yeah it was amazing"
"Um then why are you mad" Maks asked.
"I don't get to have sex with Peta for the next 4 months"
"Not my fault you got her pregnant"
"So what are here for again"
"I don't know"
"well could you watch him while we get ready"
"Sure" she says taking Kai. We go upstairs and start getting ready together.
"Peta can we take a shower together"
"Maks no sex"
"I didn't say sex I said a shower"
"No Maks because that will lead to sex"
"Mom what should I wear"
"You can wear whatever"
"What are you wearing"
"I think I'm gonna wear a blue dress"
"Then I'll wear my blue dress" she said. She walked out the room.
"Aw Peta she wants to look like you" he said.
I go into my closet and change into the blue dress. I get my makeup and hair done.
"Mom will you curl my hair" she asked. I have her sit down and I curl her hair.
"Thank you, now we can go" she said. I grab my purse. Maks gives me his card.
"Go crazy gorgeous, buy whatever you want"
"Aw thank you handsome" I say. I kiss him lightly and go up to Kai who is still being held by Jenna.
"I love you little man I'll see you in a bit" I say then kiss his little cheek. Ellie kisses his cheek lightly. I go outside with Ellie she opens the door to the back seat.
"You can ride up front" I say. She closes the door and sits in the passengers seat. She smiles big at me as she buckles her seat belt. I pull out of our driveway and get to the nail place.
"I scheduled a manicure for me and my daughter"
"Peta Chmerkovskiy"
"Yes" I say. Ellie smiles at me.
"Let's bring you back"
There was a wall of colors.
"We can do designs too" a lady said.
"Will you do a leopard print on my nails"
"We can"
"Cool, mom you should get a zebra print"
"I think I will" I say. We sit down and they start working on our nails. I take my phone out with the hand that I'm not using and snap a pic of me and Ellie. I post it on Twitter and Instagram.
Me and my little girl having a day to ourselves! Great to finally relax and spend time with my bug😘

After our nails are done we go to lunch. We eat and go to the movies.
After the movies we went shopping. I was looking at shoes to go with my dress that Maks got me for the Emmys. I look around and Ellie is no where to be found. I walk around and see her talking to a little boy around her age.
Gosh she's a little flirt.
"Ellie I need help with something"
She gets up and walks over to me.
"Little heart throb"
"Thanks, but he was really cute and he sat next to me"
"What was his name"
"You didn't get his name"
"Oops" she said. I don't find any shoes so we go to the girls section. Ellie was still only a size 5. She was really small for her age. I see a gold dress that would look amazing on her.
I turn around and show her the dress.
"Mom it's gorgeous but what for"
"Dancing with the stars premiere"
"That's a little too fancy"
"Bug you would look so pretty though"
"I guess I can try it on"
We go into the dressing room and she puts it on. I zip up the back.
"Ellie you look gorgeous"
She looks in the mirror.
"I love it" she said. I take a picture of her and send it to Maks.
Our little girl found a dress😍
Aw P she looks so pretty tell her that I love her
"Dad says that you look pretty and he loves you"

After shopping for 3 more hours Ellie was about to pass out. We were walking out to our car.
"Mom will you carry me" she said. I pick her up and carry her the rest of the way. I lay her in the backseat. I get home and Maks runs out to us.
"Hello my gorgeous girl" he said kissing me.
"Where's Ell"
"She's asleep in the back. Where's Kai"
"Nap time" he said. He opens the back door and Ellie is still asleep. He picks her up and carries her to the couch.
"Dad will you cuddle" she asked. He lays down and scoots her over she lays on his chest. I take a picture.
Happy to see my little girl relaxing after a long day of fun and a long day of baby watching for Maks😍

Okay can we talk about family goals? They are the family I want to happen soooo badly!

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