Back to school

476 15 1

Maks pov
Ellie is already 12 and Kai is 4. They have grown up so fast. My little girl is going into 6th grade today. I'm happy but I just don't want her to leave me.
"Dad" Ellie screamed jumping into my arms.
"Ugh Ellie you're getting so big. I don't know how much longer I can hold you"
"If Owen can pick me up so can you"
"I guess" I say. Peta comes down holding Kai.
"Daddy I want rolls" he said. He meant cinnamon rolls.
"Oh that sounds good" Ellie says agreeing. I start making food for them. They run out of the room and start chasing each other around the living room. Peta comes over to me and wraps her arms around me. Her hands go up my shirt.
"Hi sexy" she whispered in my ear.
"Hello sexy 2"
"I wish we had some extra time today" she complained.
"Yeah well we haven't had a lot of extra time lately"
"I know I'm starting to want you more and more"
"Promise me, I do too"
"El why don't you go get dressed for school"
"Okay" she says. I heard her walk back upstairs. Kai runs into my leg.
"Daddy" he growled. I pick him up and kiss his cheek.
"What we do today" he asks.
"We can go to the sports place"
"Yeah yeah yeah" he says excited. I set him down and he runs around.
"Peta picks him up"
"Let's go get you dressed to go"
"Yay" he screamed. I finish making the food. Ellie runs downstairs.
"Ow dad" she said shaky.
"What's wrong"
"That's hot"
I turn the cold water on for her and she puts her finger under it. I grab her hand and kiss it. She stands across from me.
"You used to do that when you were a little kid"
"Really" she said laughing.
"Yeah one of the first days we had you, you touched it. Me and mom both had to kiss it"
Ellie smiles lightly.
"Can I eat now" she asks.
"Yeah they should be good"
She grabs her cinnamon roll and sits down.
Peta comes down with Kai in his basketball shorts and cut off shirt. Peta had on her athletic clothes for dance. Kai sits in his chair as Peta gets his food. I grab her butt as I walk by her. Ellie grabs her book bag and runs out to the bus.
"Have a good day" Peta screams.
Ellie's pov
I get onto the bus I sit down next to Owen.
"Hey" he said.
"You have icing on your lips"
"Oh can you get it off please"
He leans in and gets it off my lips with his.
"Ew no PDA" Alivia said.
We get school and run in. Me and Owen sit next to each in class. I heard our teacher is mean so I'm a little scared. The lady comes in. I start shaking.
"It's ok princess, I'm right here" Owen said grabbing my hand.
"Ellie Chmerkovskiy"
I turn to her and some eyes go to me.
"Yes" I ask.
"Who are your parents"
"Um Maks and Peta"
"Oh I love the show" she said. Me and Owen high five and I smile at Alivia.
Maks pov
Me and Kai get to the athletic area. I show them my pass and we go back.
"Where to first little man"
"Football" he said. We walk to the indoor football field. I grab a ball and hand it to him.
"Let's play" he said hitting it. I laugh lightly at him.
"Okay this will be your in zone and that will be mine" I say. We start playing football together.
"Daddy let's go play basketball now"
"Okay" I say. I pick him up and we go play basketball. We go in and see Val.
"Uncle val" Kai says running over to him. Val picks him up.
"Hey bro" I say.
"I'm just here messing around"
"Yeah we just came before someone's first dance class"
"Oh Kai are you excited"
"Yeah, I'm excited to see the pretty girls"
"Whata guy your raising"
"Shut up"
We play basketball with Val for awhile then Kai wants to go swimming. We go change and then jump into the pool. Kai stayed on me the entire time. I swam around with him.
"Okay Kai mommy's gonna start wondering where we are"
"Okay" he said. We go back to the boys locker room and change. I strap Kai back into his car seat and we go back home. Kai walks up to Peta.
"Hey did you have fun"
"Yeah but I tired now"
"Okay why don't you take a nap"
"Okay" he said. Peta carried him upstairs. I grabbed some food and sit on the couch. Peta comes back down and straddles me.
"Hi" she said.
"Hey" I say with food in my mouth.
"Really, what do you think I'm here for"
"I don't know. Babe come on the game is on and your blocking it"
She rolls her eyes and gets off me.
"Do you want me to make you something"
"Uh yeah can you get my a sandwich please"
She gives me a plate with a sandwich. I take a bite into it.
"Babe, I don't want mustard on it" I say. I put the plate back down and go back to watching the game. Peta walks in front of the tv in just her bra and panties. My jaw drops.
"About time you noticed me" she said.

I was laying on the couch with Peta, still naked. I start to fall asleep on her boobs right when the door opens.
"Oh my god what the heck have you guys been doing" Ellie said covering her eyes. Peta falls off and starts to put clothes on and so do I. Once were somewhat clothed she removes her hand from her eyes.
"How was school"
"Good, I would ask how your day off was but I'm honestly scared to ask"

This hasn't been updated in awhile. If you have an idea for this story please message me because I'm running low and I'd like to make this last a little bit longer.

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