Please Maks

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Maks pov
Today was me and Peta's anniversary, I'm gonna make breakfast for her and everything will just be perfect. I take Peta's arms that are wrapped around me off carefully. I walk out of our room slowly and go to the kitchen. I make eggs and bacon, I still have to make the pancakes.
"Maks what are you doing"
"Babe your not suppose to see it yet"
"See what" she said walking over. I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder.
"Not yet, you need to wait and I'll bring the surprise up to you"
I lay her in our bed and kiss her forehead.
"Go back to sleep beautiful"
I walk back downstairs and finish making the food.
I put it all on a tray and carry it up to her. I walk in and see Peta sleeping again. I go up to her and kiss her cheek lightly.
"Baby your surprise is here"
"Hm" she said. I lean down and kiss her softly. "Happy anniversary baby"
"Aw thank you" she said. I set the tray in front of her.
"Maks can you sit down"
"Yeah what's up baby" I say rubbing her legs.
"What would you think if we had another kid"
"Uh there'd be a very large gap between Kai and him"
"Yeah but I really want another kid. Maks please"
"You just turned 40"
"Yeah but I really want a kid and we can still take care of him or her"
"Please Maks, I just want to hold another little boy or girl in my arms"
"Maybe we can adopt"
"Maksim Chmerkovskiy, I'm gonna have another baby and you're gonna put it in me" she says strictly.
"Yes ma'am"
She takes her shirt off.
"Now" I ask her.
"Well duh" she says. I lay on top of her and kiss her neck.
"Wait" she says. She pushes me off her and sets the tray of food on the ground. She rolls back on top of me. She kisses down my chest and takes me shorts off. I take hers off.
"Maks fucking compliment me you asshole"
"Sorry" I say.
"Peta your so gorgeous, I'm the luckiest guy in the world"
"You suck at this" she says.
"Hey I'm trying" I say pushing her off me.
"Well if you were better at complimenting I wouldn't have to yell"
"It's not my fault I can't just shove myself in you to make you happy"
"What does that mean"
"It means you always ask me to do stuff for you during sex and it's usually nothing to do with sex"
"Stop acting like your perfect"
"What does complimenting have to do with sex, I only have sex with you so I get my own damn release"
I see a tear go out of her eye.
"Baby, I didn't mean that"
She gets out of our bed and runs out.
"Peta wait, please I'm sorry" I say trying to catch her. I hear the door slam and her car go out of our driveway. I run outside.
"Peta please come back" I scream. I sit on the ground and start crying. I lost her again dammit. I hear someone pull into our driveway, I look up and see her car.
"Peta" I say. I run over to the car.
"I'm so sorry I never meant to say that you know it's not true baby. I love you I love you soooo much, I don't have sex with you to get my own release, I promise. Please come back to me. I can't lose my gorgeous girl"
"Why can you lose me"
"Because your my everything. Your the most perfect girl ever. Your eyes sparkle and you smile is so bright. Also I want another kid and I wouldn't want to raise it with any other woman"
"Aw let's go make a kid" she said. Her legs wrapped around me tightly as I carry her upstairs.

This might be my last chapter😢

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