Chapter 12

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This is dedicated to puppy321283 because she helped me sooo much with covers! The other cover is on the side so please tell me which one you think looks better! VOTE, COMMENT, AND FAN! :)



Chapter 12


                I awoke to the smell of bacon cooking, yum! Opening my eyes, I was blinded by a light that was on nearby. I snapped my eyes shut, and then slowly opened them again, avoiding the same pain I had just felt. The smell of food hypnotized me as I shuffled over to the kitchen, sitting down at the table and laying my head on my arms which I had set on the table. I let out a big yawn and moved my bleary eyes over to the chock where I could see that it was half past 10.

                Now would be the time when some people went to church, but not me or Liam. I was raised Christian, but I’m more of a person who needs to see to believe so I don’t really know what I believe, or if I believe at all. Christianity is kind of engraved in my mind, but I find it hard to believe at the same time. The Miller’s are Christians but they don’t really go to church, only on special occasions like Christmas, Easter, and such.

                My attention was diverted back to food when Liam set a glass of cold milk and a plate full of steaming bacon in front of me. It was cooked to perfection by my standards, which are that is still soft, but cooked so it’s not raw or crispy. Immediately, I grabbed a piece and shoved it in my mouth without thinking it through. My eyes popped wide open, and I opened my mouth wide, while fanning it with my hands to try and cool it down, even though I knew it would never work. Quickly chewing the bacon, I swallowed and grabbed the milk chugging half the glass. I could feel the ice cold liquid going down my throat and through my chest, to my stomach. At least, that’s what it felt like. I set the glass down and sighed. Smiling at Liam, I told him, “Delicious. Thanks.”

                He smiled down at me and said, “Yeah, well, I thought that I only have one chance with you, so I better try to make it last as long as possible. Making you breakfast seemed like a good thing to do. I would have made eggs to go with the bacon, but the last time I tried to make them they burned and stuck to the bottom of the pan. My mom made me scrape it all off and the kitchen smelled like burnt food for a week.” I laughed, of course his mom would! She wasn’t going to clean up someone else’s mess when they were perfectly able to do it themselves.

                My dreams from the previous night rushed back to me, well at least the words they all revolved around did. Je t’aime, was that French? I grabbed another piece of bacon and blew on it while turned back to Liam and asking, “What does je t’aime mean?”

                I watched as he stuttered and looked nervous, “Where’d you hear that?” he inquired quietly.

                I shrugged and informed him, “I dreamed about it and I don’t know what it means.”

                Liam looked relieved and told me, “Google Translate it.” What a jerk! He knows what it means and he won’t tell me! I huffed and went back to eating my wonderful bacon. Bacon is one of my favorite foods, along with steak, chicken and dumplings, ice cream, and rolls. Food is such a wonderful thing. It’s so good! And I love how I can eat a lot and not get fat. Most of the time I just don’t get hungry but sometimes I get starved. I can go a long time without eating and it not bother me, like I think the longest I’ve gone was a whole day, but after that I got really hungry. Enough thinking about food, time to actually eat!

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