Chapter 8

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I get done eating Lunch and walk away with the twins. Then a random girl came up to me right before I reached my locker.

"What the hell do you think you are doing with them?" She said.

"They're my friends why?"

"I'm Graysons girlfriend!" She screamed in my ear.

"Well why have me stop you."

"You won't. Unless you are around them. So I'm going to make sure you aren't. I see the way Grayson looks at you." The girl whispered in my ear really closely.

I pushed her away from me and opened my locker to grab my stuff again then hurried off to my next class with Grayson and Ethan. Once I got there I saw the two with an open seat between them. I sat down where they wanted me to and turned to Grayson.

"So I hear you have a girlfriend."

"No I don't." He said with a confused look on his face.

"Then who the fuck was the girl at my locker screaming at me saying she was your girlfriend!"

"That must be Vanessa she is literally in love with me. Shes very violent when it comes to me." Grayson said with one of the most terrified looks on his face.

"I can see that."

By the time school was over with I saw Grayson see me and practically run to me. He put his hands on my cheeks and look at me then we put our lips together and I smiled into the kiss. We walked home before Ethan. Our hands intertwined as we walked.

I got to my house and kissed Grayson then asked if he wanted to come in. He said sure. We both walked in and Grayson stopped in his tracks. I saw his perfect jaw drop at the sight of my house.

"Your house is amazing!" He said then looked at me.

"Not really."

"I wonder what your room looks like?" He says with a smirk then picks me up and I guide him to my room. When we got in my room Grayson plopped me down on my bed and I pulled him into a passionate kiss and he wrapped me in his strong muscular arms and I felt safe in them. We talked while laying on my bed then did homework together. The two of us went downstairs and watched a scary movie. Plus my mom and sister weren't supposed to be back home till tomorrow in the after noon from a buissness trip.

"Do you want to spend the night here?" I questioned with a smile.

"Whatever you want babe!" Grayson answered back with a big grin. Thats the first time I've heard him call me "babe". It was sweet though. A scary part came on in the movie and I practically jumped into Graysons lap. He just held me close and we cuddled till we fell asleep in each others arms.

The next morning I find that I'm in my bed and I smell Bacon and pancakes. Grayson walked in my room with a tray with Bacon and pancakes then sat on my bed. I wanted to kiss him but the tray was in the way.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome babe." He says then holds my hand.

"I like it when you call me that." I said with a huge smile and we gazed into each others eyes. Then I bagan to eat and handed the fork to Grayson and he took a bite too.

We finished the food and I went to take a shower then got dressed. When I was putting my makeup on I saw grayson sneak up on me and hug me from behind and kiss my check. I put on the rest of my makeup and walked over to Grayson and he was starring at me.

*Graysons POV*

Why is she so beautiful. I stared at her and pull her in and gave her a big and passionate kiss. We pulled away and went downstairs. Lia grabbed her stuff while I did and walked to school with her hand in mine. I love her.

"Do you want to go out. Like on a real date?" I asked hesitantly.

"I thought you'd never ask!" Lia said and I pulled her in for a kiss. As we smiled while talking I hear a screech of a car and looked to find it almost hitting Lia. So I pushed her out of the way and the next thing I know I feel pain then wake up in a hospital bed.

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