Chapter 23

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"What's wrong Lia? Why are you crying?" Gray kept trying to get answers out of me but I wouldn't budge...

"J-just look at it." I eventually managed to say words and point in the direction of where my phone hit the wall. Grayson jumped up and ran to my phone and looked at it. He came over to me and gave my phone back.

I kept seeing the words "I'm your dad floating around in my head and it won't go away... Why now. He never cared for me. He only cared for his girlfriend he moved away with. Plus her kids. Never anytime for me or my sister not even my mom.

You could think he hated us. Really he just never cared. He never cared that I was sick or I was having an asthma attack and had to go to the hospital for it. I didn't get it.

I grabbed my phone. " You aren't my dad. My dad doesn't care about me."

He replied. " Well sorry for your luck but I am your dad and your gonna have to live with me. In Illinois."

"No I don't I live with my boyfriend."

"You really don't get it. Your mother gave custody of you to me. So say goodbye to that boyfriend of yours and find a new one." Huh. He still doesn't give a shit about what I say or do...

"Oh yeah I forgot to say that I'm pregnant."

"Just get your ass to Illinois and I'll deal with you later." He doesn't know anything about being pregnant. I can't fly after being pregnant for 5 months and I'm 6 months pregnant. Almost 7 months. Also I'm having twins so. He's just a dick.

"I can't deal with you. I can't even talk to you. Goodbye."

I then blocked and deleted his number.

"Gray... Can we move somewhere besides here?" I ask right after I turn my phone off and put it away. His eyes were big and looked at me shaking his head yes.

I got really happy. "Just the thing is Ethan has to move also." He said with a shaky voice. "Where to?"

"I was kinda thinking Los Angeles, California?" I said that because his friends live close to Los Angeles so he could be closer to them.

We both went to talk to Ethan and Katrina about it and they agreed to come with us. I couldn't wait to get the hell out of here. We all can start online school for Senior year in high, school. Gray and Eth have money from their YouTube channel. It won't be that hard to move. I just hope my mom didn't move anywhere close...


Sorry for the short chapter.

Stay tuned for Lia, Grayson, Ethan and Katrina all moving in with each other. Also sorry if there have been any typos because I don't really go back over the chapters. Sometimes i do but anyway.

Enjoy the next chapter.

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