Chapter 17

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<I'm just gonna start doing ------ for Grayson's POV and •••••• for Lia. It will also be used for when they talk.>


I heard screams come from the other room and ran to find out what was going on. My clothes were soaking wet so I had only my boxers on. As I ran in I saw Lia standing screaming and she was frozen in place.

Once I got in the kitchen I saw what she was screaming at....... Ethan. I grabbed Lia in a tight embrace and looked at Ethan who had Katrina pushed up against the counter.

Katrina had a look of shock and confusion. I just stared at Ethan till he started to walk our way. In a matter of time Lia was taken from my arms and he ran off with her as she squirmed in his arms. I caught up to the two. He took Lia into his old room and started taking her clothes off but I walked in. She was uncontious and I stood there frozen in place. I finally got unstuck from where I was standing and body slammed Ethan. He was shocked at first then we got into a fist fight.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Lia wakinging up. She was only in her bathing suit bottoms. I punched Ethan once more and he fell to the ground. Lia sat up and she had tears in her eyes. She tried moving but couldn't so I ran to her and helped untie her hands and feet that were tied up to the headboard.

Lia jumped on me and made me almost loose my balance but I stopped wobbling around and stood straight with her in my arms.

••• "How did he get out of Juvi?!"

--- "I have no clue. All I know is that he is out cold and I'm calling the cops again."

••• "Good." Lia looked at me with tears filling her eyes and escaping down her cheeks. I wipe them off and pull her chin up so we are face to face and our lips inches away. After getting lost in her eyes I finally crashed my lips on hers.


Gray and I were standing there our eyes gazing at each others then he looks at my lips and licks his. He eventually crashes his lips on mine.

I pulled away from the strong passionate kiss and went to find where Katrina was. When I finally found her outside next to the pool I went and sat next to her.

••• "Hey what happened to you. You kinda disappeared after you and Ethan made out."

"Oh I just cane out here cause Eth told me to wait here for him. Speaking of Eth where is he." Katrina said looking everywhere around us but didn't have luck finding him.

••• "Yeah about that." I told her what has been happening between Eth and I the past week or 2.

Once I finished Katrina stormed inside to find police with Ethan handcuffed and being taken to the police station. I knew she was infused with rage so I let her punch the pillows. It is a little funny when she gets mad.

After Katrina getting mad but also sad that Ethan her love tried to rape me twice. At least Gray was there and fought off Eth. He has always been so protective over me. I kinda like it.

We talked for hours and went out for icecream that was only 2 blocks away so we londboarded down there. By the time I saw what time it was we were about to leave. It was 9 and I should be getting to bed. Gray must be so worked about me.

Katrina and I grabbed our things and left the icecream place. I had to stop a couple times as we went up a steep hill to get home.

*2 weeks later*

My baby bump is starting to show more and I was getting better with the morning sickness. It still sucked though. Every night I will have the same dream.

*Lia's dream*

••• "Stop, Stop, STOP."

"I WILL STOP IF YOU STOP SCREAMING!" Eth yelled and I tried to stop but I couldn't. Finally he reached his climax but I didnt.

He kept trying but I wouldn't let him get to me.

*End of dream*

I wake up sweating and I woke up Gray. He doesn't know that those are the dreams I've been having. I don't want him to worry so I don't yell him.

Tomorrow is the day Ethan gets out of juvi so I'm not so excited neither is Gray or Katrina. We all hate him. The three of us cringe when we thing about him.

*Skip to the next day*

I wake up to sweaty palms and my stomach not feeling too good. I groan and walk as fast as I can to the bathroom. I'm surprised I don't wake up anyone. I walk back to my room and crawl back into Gray's arms as he pulls me against his abs.

His touch is light and kind so I fall asleep to him rubbing my stomach. It felt good. It felt right.

Oh wait its the day Ethan gets out... Shit.

< Hey guys I'm back just saying that I am happy to have over 300 readings. Thank you so much. I love you all who read it. Its nice to know there are people who read your stuff. Anyways thanks and stay tuned for more about Lia, Grayson, Katrina, and Ethan...>

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