Chapter 21

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I got some blankets that Grayson and Ethan brought me and almost fell asleep when we were talking.

"I'll head to bed now." Ethan and Grayson said at the same time. I laughed a little and got comfortable.

Once they left and turned off the light I fell asleep automatically.

*Next morning*

I woke up with a jolt a little and heard whispering.

"Dude your so lucky. You get her but she can't remember us in the first place." That sounded like Ethan then right after he said that I heard another voice.

"I know I wish she knew we were together after she woke up. I'm going to go get breakfast." After that silence fell and I heard footsteps getting quieter.

My heart was almost beating out of my chest and I felt my pulse quicken. We were together? That explains a lot. Ugh. I don't wanna get up but this baby is making me.

A couple minutes later I came out of the bathroom and there was breakfast waiting for me on the coffee table. They are both so sweet.

I sat back down and started to eat when Grayson sat next to me with a stack of clothes. They look like they'd fit me. Once I was done eating and having a fun talk with Grayson I went to go take a shower and get into some of the clothes he brought me.

*Grayson's POV*

As Lia walked away I broke down in tears. I miss her. I wish she knew we were together. She needs to know.

Lia walked in the living room 20 minutes later and she looked really cute in my clothes.

••••••"How do I look?" She asked like it was nothing and I sat there staring for a couple minutes till I finally answered her back.

------"Great. You look perfect." I covered my mouth and she started walking over. Lia was right in front of me so I did it, I pulled her in and kissed her passionately. She needs to know how much I love her. I missed her lips on mine and her saying she loves me.

------"I love you Lia."

••••••"I love you too Gray." I was shocked she said it back and even called me Gray. Lia used to call me Gray all the time. It was cute.

"Woops. I'm in the wrong room." I heard Ethan behind us. Then there were footsteps getting faster and quieter as he walked away.

Lia and I laughed and we just layed there. My hand rubbing her belly. The baby kicked. My smile grew five times bigger because of the kick. I looked up at Lia and she smiled happily too.

------"Uh. J-just saying that baby you have is m-mine. So don't go thinking its someone else's." Lia just stared into my eyes and she couldn't help but laugh.

••••••"I thought it was yours in the first place." Her smile was the best thing in the world. It lit up the whole room. Lia's eyes stared into mine as we sat there.

------"Oh yeah. Maybe we could see what the sex of the baby is soon. So maybe I can call the baby by its name instead of 'the baby'." She looked at me and nodded.

••••••" How about tomorrow?" Lia asked and I nodded back.

There was a knock on the door and I jumped up and ran to the door. I opened it to see a bunch of gigantic packages that was addressed to me.

They were really heavy but I managed to make it to the living room where Lia sat on the couch with a puzzled look.

I got out the box cutter and started to open them. They were full of baby things that were from my fans. I think. Ethan came crashing in to one of the boxes as he ran downstairs and tumbled over.

"Hey. Can Kat come over and why are there boxes in here?" Eth got up and walked over to us.

------ "Sure and they are from the fans I think. The boxes are full of baby stuff cause of Lia over here. The soon to be mother and me the soon to be father. That's weird to say considering we are only 16." All three of us laughed a little then finished opening the boxes till the living room and us were covered in packing peanuts.

There soon was a knock at the door and Katrina came barging in.

"Hey guys! Why am I not invited to the packing peanut war?" She ran in and jumped in Ethan's arms. Then she gave Lia and I a big hug but mostly Lia. I could tell she miss Lia. Especially since she doesn't live with her anymore. She lives with her cousins now.

All of us gave each other a look and started to find the nerf guns we have all over the house. Lia and I took the living room while Katrina was on the stairs and Ethan was in the Kitchen.

I took down Ethan while Katrina took down Lia. It was up to me now to take down Katrina. I jumped out from the couch and shot Katrina in the arm.

It took about 3 or 4 hours to pick up and vacume the whole downstairs. The time was 3:26 in the afternoon so we decided to go to lunch. I paid and all of us went home to play some games.

I jumped in the pool and Lia slowly crept in through the stairs as Katrina and Ethan zoomed by us on their IO Hawk hoverboards.

Falling in love with a Dolan (g.d)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن