Chapter 25

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*2 weeks later*

I got my new phone and moved all my contacts to the new one.
Also we all found a really nice house that has 4 rooms and is at a good price.
We are supposed to move in, in a month or so and I'm really excited.

Ethan and Katrina made out practically the whole way there.
It was like watching a couple dogs maul each other.
Oh well.
We all took turns driving except me.

*2 1/2 weeks later*

We drove the whole way there because I'm not really supposed to fly.
Grayson took most of the driving.
We had close to nothing in the tiny U-Haul we had that was attached to the back of the truck.
I love being in a car but not for too long.
When we arrived at the house we all got out and stretched then got started on our small U-Haul.
I looked around inside first and took the master with Grayson since this whole moving idea was mine and it was the biggest room.
The next room over was for the twins.
So Katrina and Eth took the second biggest room.
It was practically across the whole house.
There was a huge kitchen that I immediately fell in love with.
Gray walked in the kitchen and I was hugging the counter.

"Just give me a second."

I was tired but I was in love with that kitchen.
I've always wanted a big kitchen and I finally got my big kitchen.
The colors of the kitchen were Gray and some other light colors.
It had a white color and some black also.
It had an island and the stove was in the island.

There was some furniture but not a lot.
It was the most perfect home I've honestly been inside.
The outside of the house was a light tan color.
The walls were a grey and it was white some rooms.

It had to have been a dream but it wasn't.
I was in heaven.
Once I was done jumping around looking in every corner I jumped over to Katrina to help take a box.
The box said Lia/ Gray's baby stuff.
It was all from the fans.
They were so suportive with me being pregnant and all.
Especially since it was Grays.
Practically all of their fans loved them but they also like me.
I was happy that I got so many baby clothes.
I hope the twins are either both boys or a girl and a boy.
I'm happy I got pregnant.

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