Chapter 14

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I walked in the room and screamed. Grayson was on top of some girl and they were making out. I couldn't stomp off to my room because this was my room so I ran away to some market I didn't know where I was but I just kept running and running. I left my phone at the house so I had no way to tell anyone where I was.

After a while of crying on the side of the road I hear a car come to a stop and the door open then close. The person ran up to me and hugged me tight. I didn't know who it was but then I remembered that same sweet smell and hugged them back. I could tell it was Ethan by his smell. He smelled close to what Grayson smelled like but just a little different.

He took me back to the house and the party was over. "I don't want to go in there." I said tearing up again.

Ethan put his hands firmly on my shoulders then kissed my cheak lightly. I pushed him away and walked toward the house with a look of disgust on my face.

I opened the door and there was Grayson who had puffy eyes like he was crying. He ran up to me and tried to hug me but I pushed him away and ran upstairs to get away from everyone. I got to Grayson and my room and layed there crying and smelling his colone sented pillow.

I soon found myself drifting off to sleep. I woke up in the middle of the night to find a warm arm around me and smiled a little. Then looked at who it was. It was Ethan. I jumped out of the bed and jumped on Ethan to wake him up.

"What the hell was that for Katrina!" He yelled at me.

"I'm not Katrina. Do I look like her and why are you in my bed?"

"Wait what? I'm not in my room. Danm it I was just tired. Now go back to sleep." He said looking like he was about to pass out.

"You aren't falling asleep in this bed! Your going back your own bed." I said pointing my index finger at the door. He followed where I was pointed then slowly got up and walked to the door.

I quickly fell back asleep but before I did that I heard the door open again and saw a tall figure. He didn't look like Grayson or Ethan. The tall figure got closer then put a towel on my mouth and I fell to the ground.

*Grayson's POV*

I heard a loud thump upstairs in my room and thought it was just lia getting mad. Then I saw someone holding something and cary it out the door. I didn't really care but then realized I didn't let that guy in the party.

I got a closer look at what he was carying and saw it was Lia. I saw that she was passed out so I tried to run after them but toppled over and felt dizzy so I fell back asleep spread across the floor.

The next morning I woke up and went to my room. I found lia not there then remembered some guy cary her out of the house. I ran out the door in the same clothes I was wearing last night and got in my car to go drive around to find lia. I got in the car to find Lia tied in the back of the car passed out with no clothes but her bra and underwear with tape on her mouth. There was also a note that said: Grayson you better watch your back. I could have done worse.

It was a threat and with that I untied Lia. I slightly slapped her to wake her up. She jumped as I pulled the tape off her mouth.

"What's going on!" She yelled in a high pitched tone. I felt so bad for her so I wrapped her in my arms and pushed my lips onto hers into a passionate kiss. It was nothing like the other kisses I gave her or she gave me. It was better than the last kisses. She looked down to see she wasn't wearing anything so I gave her my sweatshirt and she put it on.

We walked back to the house and she yelled at me.

"What the hell were you doing with that girl last night?!" She looked me straight in the eye. I had no idea of what she was saying.

"What are you talking about? I was never with a girl! Besides you."

"You were making out with some slut!" She had anger in her eyes so I looked away.

"I must have been passed out because I passed out in our room after about 2 drinks. People must have spiked them both."

"But you were on top of some girl. I saw it with my own two eyes." Her eyes started to tear up and I reached for her but she pulled away.

"I dont' know what your talking about."

"Tell me honestly. Did you or did you not make out with some random girl?" She said with a serious face. So I answered honestly.

"No I didn't I promise. I would never do that to my girlfriend who just lost our baby because of her mom and sister. I love you Lia and I never want that to change. I will keep loving you till we are old and sitting on our porch telling kids to get off our lawn with a shotgun in my hands." She giggled and I hugged her tight and never wanted to let go.

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