Chapter 13

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I didn't have morning sickness the next morning but woke up in a pool of blood. I screamed and woke up Grayson by accident.

"WHAT HAPPENED?!" He yelled which made me jump.

"I really don't know!" I screached holding blood in my palms. The next second Ethan ran in the room. He fell to the floor and I jumped out of bed and ran to him.

"What happened to Ethan?"

"He faints when he sees blood..." He said in a calm tone. I ran to the bathroom and saw I was covered practically from head to toe in blood. I too a quick shower and got dressed. Then Grayson and I cleaned his bed and floor because there was blood everywhere.

"I didn't realize girls have such heavy periods..." Grayson laughed but I didn't. We finally finished the mattress then moved to the floor. I felt really bad but then realized that I probably dont have a living thing growing in me. I crumpled to the ground and Grayson came to me.

"What's wrong?" He asked softly.

"I got my period. That means I'm not pregnant anymore..." I cried into his shirt that smelled like him. I thought to myself. I love Grayson and I never ever want to hurt him anymore than I have.

I called my doctor and he let me come in.

*Two hours later*

Grayson and I tried to avoid my mom as we walked to his car so we could go to the doctors but my mom saw us and cane running up to us. She pushed Grayson away and pulled me to her house. Grayson threw her to the ground and we ran to the car then left as fast as we could.

We zoomed down the street to the dostors. Grayson stopped in the driveway and parked. I got out and he locked the car. The both of us went in and sat down then waited for my name to be called.

"Lia Taylor?" The nurse said and found my face to give me a smile. I walked behind her and went to the room she wanted me to go into. I played down like the doctor said to and he checked my stomach and found nothing.

"You must have had a miscarriage. This happens to many people." He said as I looked at Grayson.

*Grayson's POV*

Lia looked at me with sadness in her eyes. She didn't look like she did when we first found out she was pregnant. When she first found out she had a sparkle in her beautiful hasel blue and hasel green eyes. Now they are just dull.

Her birthday is coming up so I should do something special. How about a walk on the beach then watch a movie and popcorn at home under the stars. That sound perfect.

Once I came out of my day dream I heard a voice and saw my girls face. It was the most beautiful thing in the world. I came to my sences and found my self stumbling around outside looking for my car.

*last day of school*

Lia walked with me our hands intertwined that showed some of our love to the world.

By the end of school Lia, Ethan and Katrina and I walked out and told everyone we are having a party at our house.

*Lia's POV*

I walked out of school with my best friends and Grayson told every single person who walked out of the front doors there was going to be a party at our house. I'm still not used to calling the Dolans house my house anymore. Katrina moved into Ethan's room and I moved into Grayson's room. My mom left to be in a different state so Mr. And Mrs. Dolan were prctically my parents. Cameron loved me to death because there were girls besides her mom living in the house.

That night I had to much to drink and was walking funny. Almost every guy in school were there and they all hit on me. I couldn't find Grayson so I figured to go to our room but when I opened the door I saw something I really didn't want to see.

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