Chapter 27

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She is my only hope to be living.
If Wayne did anything to my girl he will pay.
I get to the hospital and see Lia being rushed to the E.R.
She better not die on me now.
I just got her back I can't loose her again.
I can't take it.
I start balling my eyes out in Ethan's shirt.
Katrina was crying too.
We all love her and I don't want anything to happen to her.
Our lives were just getting back to normal.
I was so excited to live with Lia, Ethan and Katrina.
I thought it was going to be a fresh new start.
*1 hour later*

My tears are dry and a doctor comes out.
The tears start coming again but I push them back.

"Lia is awake and breathing on her own again. We just want family only. Are any of you family?" The doctor looks at the three of us and I shake my head.

"No were all just friends, I'm just her boyfriend." I say while looking down.

"You can see her. Boyfriend is closest to family. Is there any family we can call?" The doctor looked questionly but had a slight smile.

"No. Don't call anyone. Her family is not safe."

"Right this way then." I follow the doctor as she leads me to Lia.
I look at her and she's asleep.
When I walk in the room she wakes up slowly.
I walk up to her and hold her hand tightly.

Out of the blue she has a sesiure and stops breathing.
The doctor rushes me out and pages other doctors.
They come rushing in and all I could do was stand by and watch.
Eventually a nurse comes out.
She said that Lia is fine we just can't see her till tomorrow.
I stay at the hospital while Katrina and Ethan leave.

*Next morning*

There is a nurse sitting next to me.
She looks at me and smiles.
"Is Lia ok? Did something happen while I was asleep?!"

The nurse just stared at me and I got up.
I walked in where Lia was and there was an empty bed.
I broke down but felt a tap on my shoulder.
I turned around and there was Lia standing with her I.V.
I gave her an almost bone crushing hug.
She just smiled as I gave her kisses upon kisses.

Katrina came in after and was with Ethan.

"We didn't want to wake you up so we let you sleep." Ethan said and I just smiled.

"Thanks but you had me worried sick the Lia was going to die or something."


"Oh yeah. I have something." I pulled out a box from my pocket and got on one knee.


Grayson pulled something out of his pocket and it looked like a ring box.
He got on one knee.
"Will you marry me Aureliana Joy Taylor?"


He laughed and said I must be kidding.
I wasn't.

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