Chapter 4: Useless

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After Alec had walked away from him in the park, Magnus sulked home.

What have I done? Magnus thought.

He went home, the faerie was gone. There was a leaf on the kitchen table with sloppy handwriting on it.

Apparently the faerie left his phone number for Magnus. He threw the leaf down, just as a soft knock came from the door. Alec! Magnus thought, rushing to the door. Instead it was just Jace.

"Hello. I've come to inform you that I'm going to kill you." Jace said.

Isabelle stepped past Magnus, into the loft. He hadn't bothered to clean up the garbage from the party; cups and plates still littered the floor.

"I don't know how it happened. He just kept handing me drinks I..." Magnus trailed off as Jace stepped inside as well.

"I think you missed a spot while cleaning." Isabelle remarked, kicking a glass toward the wall with the tip of her boot, making it shatter.

Magnus didn't seem to notice.

"Can you please tell Alec that I'm sorry?" he turned to Jace.
"He won't answer my calls, and-"

"He broke his phone when you tried to call him." Magnus sunk down in the hot pink leather chair in the corner.

"I didn't mean to, I just-" but he broke off when there was a seraph blade at his throat.
"You hurt my Parabatai. My brother. Why should I believe you?" Jace snarled.

   Magnus flinched. "I love Alec. I really do." Magnus said quietly.

Isabelle shook her head and chuckled.
"You love him? Doesn't sound like you love him that much." Magnus stayed silent for a moment. And the simply said, "I do."

Jace stepped back. "I'll get Alec to central park tomorrow at 3. I can get him there, but I can't get him to talk to you."

Magnus looked up, his eyes shining from tears that he was trying desperately to hold back.
"Thank you. Thank you so much, Jace." Jace didn't say anything in return.

Isabelle turned to Magnus one last time before walking out the door.
"Alec really loves you, you know."

Magnus looked at himself in the mirror. His eyes were rimmed red, and his face was puffy from crying. His usual colorful spiky hair was flat and plain black. He washed his face once again, and walked out the door.

  In central park, Magnus checked the time. His watch read two o'clock.
   Great. He thought. I'm an hour early. Don't seem that desperate! But he was that desperate. He needed Alec. Alec was his rock, his anchor. And now, he'd ruined everything. Would Alec ever forgive him? Maybe not.

Magnus slumped down against a boulder, trying to think about something other than Alec. But Alec's face when he'd seen Magnus kept replaying in his mind. Betrayal, hurt, anger, were all things that Magnus could see just in those blue eyes.
Alec had to forgive him. Had too. I can't do it without him. I just-can't. Magnus thought.

   It was hard being immortal. Knowing that endless stretches of time lay before you; life got boring, or repetitive. But Alec. Alec was what kept Magnus going; he felt...empty, before Alec came. Those vast stretches of time seemed so daunting that Magnus had researched for weeks ways to take away his immortality, multiple times. He'd wished countless times that he hadn't been born what he was; but instead had died at old age like a normal person. If, if I was a normal person, Magnus thought grimly, Mother would not have... left, and father wouldn't have tried to drown me. Magnus knew wishing for something did no good, but it's all he could do.

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