Chapter 6: Forgiveness

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Magnus woke several times during the night. Tossing and turning, Magnus couldn't get Alec's face out of head.Finally realizing that he was not going to fall asleep again, he got out of bed.

He walked to the kitchen, expecting to smell coffee brewing. When he didn't, it dawned on him.

Alec wasn't here. You broke his heart.
Magnus slammed his fist on the wood table so hard that a long crack divided it in two. He grunted. It hurt, but he didn't care.

I need to talk to him. Magnus thought. No. He won't forgive you. Look what you've done. Magnus could barely breath. Alec was like his life support, and it had been violently been ripped away from him. And it had been his own hand ripping it away.

Knock! A thud came from the door. Knock! Knock! Magnus ran over. Flinging the door open, he was greeted by a pair of shining blue eyes and jet black hair.
"Alexander." he breathed, a sense of relief washing over him.
"Mags-I mean Magnus." Alec stuttered, as if he didn't want to say the nickname he'd given to the Warlock.

Magnus gestured for him to come inside. Alec did, and took a seat on the couch.

Magnus sat down in the love seat across from him.

"Magnus" alec said at the same time Magnus said "Alec". He almost laughed. Almost.

"I never wanted to hurt you." Magnus nearly whispered.

"I know." Alec said. "But it still hurt."

Magnus stared at the ground.
"I love you." Magnus said in a desperate attempt. Alec didn't say anything. He was looking at the ground also. He bent down and picked something up off the dark wood tile. It was green. And wrinkled. A leaf. He stared at it.

"Alexand-" he began.

"You got his number?" Alec stared at him. Magnus shook his head furiously.

"No!"he practically shouted. "He left it, the, the faerie left it."

Alec didn't seem any relieved by it. He let the leaf flutter from his fingers. It drifted slowly to the ground.

But Alec picked it up again, and drew something shiny from his pocket. A stele. He drew something quickly on thr leaf. It shriveled and blackened, as if it were being held in an invisible flame.

The leaf vaporized, black ash falling from Alec's pale hand. His face looked pale too.

Alec stood up and began walking towards the door.

"Wait!" Magnus grabbed Alec's arm.
"What?" he asked. Magnus almost whimpered. Alec's eyes shone with anger.

"Please don't go." But Alec jerked his arm away and walked out of the loft in a few even strides, the door slamming.

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