Chapter 14

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Alec sat on the bridge, and according to his phone it was 2 in the morning. Three hours after Clary had hauled Jace away from him.

He sat with his phone in his hand. For the last hour his thumb had hovered over the send button.

With a deep breath, he sent the text.

Magnus. I need you. Im @ the bridge.

He felt so pathetic. Alec threw his phone, and it fell until it was lost in the haze. Maybe it will fall in the water before it sends. He thought hopefully. But he knew he was lying to himself.

Only a few minutes later, blue sparks started to spurt out of the steel next to him. Alec wasn't scared, though. The sparks shaped out the figure of a man until Magnus sat beside him.

"I need you too, Alec." He said, lowering his head onto Alec's shoulder.

                          ☆ ☆ ☆

With Magnus' head being supported by Alec's shoulder, their breathing aligned.

"I'm sorry I kissed you." Alec said.

"Don't be."

They sat in silence for another hour or so.

"I bet your phone had about 600 missed calls from Izzy sitting at the bottom of the Hudson." Magnus said. Alec chuckled.

"How's Catarina?" Alec asked.

"She's feeling a bit blue."

They laughed.

"That was a horrible pun." Alec said.

"I know. But you always liked my horrible puns."

"I'm going to kill Jace." Alec stated.

"That's fine, honey." They laughed for a moment, but then broke off abruptly.

"I'm sorry. Habit I guess." Magnus took his head off of Alec. His cat eyes were filled with sadness as the water below reflected off them.

"It's okay. Yesterday I almost called you to ask if you would heal me after the fight." He laughed, but it was filled with sorrow instead of humor.

"You can always ask me to heal you, Alec."

"No, I can't. You heal the people who pay you, or the people that you love."

"What makes you think I don't love you?"

"Jace said that you never loved me."

Magnus grabbed Alec's face between his hand.

"Alexander, I love you. I have always loved you. I will never stop loving you. I don't care what Blondie says. I love you." he kissed Alec's forehead as Alec leaned against his chest.
Clutching Alec close to him, Magnus listened to Alec's shallow breathing.

They sat that way until the sun began to rise. Then, Alec climbed down the bridge without saying a word, as Magnus snapped his fingers home.

So I wasn't planning on making Jace such a jerk in these last few chapters. It happened though!.what do you think?

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