Chapter 17

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The knife was thrown out of Alec's hand right before it was plunged into his heart. Jace had his hand outstretched.

Alec laughed. "I told you that you couldn't kill me. Hell, you wouldn't even let me kill myself." He stood up, brushing grass off himself.

It bothered Magnus that Alec was so willing to die. Of course, he was a Shadowhunter, but this was different. What if Jace had been to late?

Alec reached out a hand for Magnus, who stood up to. Turning to walk away, Alec kissed Jace on the cheek.

"Bye Little Brother." He said, walking away, holding Magnus' hand.

☆ ☆ ☆

Once inside the Institute, Magnus and Alec walked into the kitchen.

"Hey Izzy, hey Clary." Alec said, sitting at the island. They turned around, and Isabelle raised her eyebrows when she saw Magnus.

"Yeah, I know." Alec said. "By the way, Jace is probably gonna come home and slice my fingers off." Isabelle groaned.

"What did you do?" she sat down across from them.

"I proved a point, like I did yesterday when I beat his ass." Alec grimaced.

Clary laughed a dry chuckle. "I'm sorry about what he did." She said.

"What happened to you guys?" Isabelle asked. "You guys are parabatai."

Alec stared at his hands. "I don't know. I really don't." Magnus laid his hands over Alec's.

"I'm back!" Jace yelled from the hallway.

Alec had his back to the door, but he knew Jace had walked into the kitchen.

"Here's my favorite couple!" He was still yelling.

"Jace, if you came to threaten to kill me, don't. We've already established that you can't do it." Alec said.

The girls gave him a quizzical look, wondering when they established that Jace couldn't kill Alec.

"Shut up, Alec." Jace walked to the fridge and surveyed it's contents.

"I could tell you the same thing." Alec remarked.

Suddenly Jace moved, swiftly, but Alec saw. Alec shoved Magnus (as much as he didn't want to) - hard. The adrenaline from danger gave him more strength then he intended to use. Magnus flew off the bar stool and into the wall.

A sharp pain ran threw Alec. He looked down slowly, and the hilt of a knife protruded from his left shoulder.

"Alec!" Isabelle screamed, rushing towards him.

"Jace! What the hell!" Clary looked back and forth between Jace and Alec.

A blue spark flew towards Jace. It hit him, and he flew to the ground. Magnus got up and ran to Alec.

"Alec are you okay?"

Alec didn't answer, but put his hand on the hilt of the blade. Slowly pulling the blade out he grimaced; It was dripping with blood, and a red stain was growing on his shirt. Stalking towards Jace, Alec crouched in front of him. He was struggling to sit up against the counter.

Alec laid the blade against Jace's chest, right above his heart.

Nobody made a move to stop him, Magnus, Isabelle and Clary just stood there, gawking.

"I knew I should have killed you yesterday."Alec stated.

Jace didn't answer. The blood from the blade was dripping onto his shirt.

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