Chapter 17: Blush, Blush, Blush

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"....HOLY UNICORNS!" I quickly sat up and looked around to see my friends around me.

"Oh hi..." I said in a blank voice. It reminds me of that time when Pewds and Cry read that fanfic...what was it called...

OH YEAH! Flowers For My Valentine. Cry and Pewds looked at each other from the reference and chuckled silently.

"You okay?" Markiplier, or Markimoo I should call him, said. I nodded.

"Just a little scare and I passed out." I lied. Everyone seemed to believe me and walked away after checking me if I was really okay.

"You might want to cut that little girl's hair. It could be a hazard." Hobo said. I didn't like him but he was right. I bit my lip and nodded slowly.

I grabbed a spare scissors I magically found and called Clem over to me.

"We need to cut your hair cuz them zambies could grab ya and we don't want that." I said in a derpy voice. She giggled and nodded.

We sat down near the entrance door thingy of the train and I started to snip off little pieces of her beautiful, curly hair. T-T

I had a spare hair tie and she did too so I put her hair into cute little low ponytails. I floofed them up a bit and gazed at my work.

"Done!" I said. She felt her hair and her eyes sparkled.

"Thank you!" She trapped me in a big hug and I smile.

"No problemo," I said in a Mexican voice. I pet her hair and the train stopped due to the blockage in the middle of the railroad.

"Cheeze nipples on a railroad. We're stuck!" I pouted. I sighed and followed Cry and Pewds to check out the problem.

"Tch, poopy pink fluffy uni-" I muttered but was cut off.

"You okay?" A deep voice said from behind me. I turn around to see familiar brown eyes and black floofy hair. "Sup' Markimoo, I'm doing jut dandy!" I said, doing a little cowboy dance.

He chuckled and I must say...HE'S SO DARN CUTE AND HOT BUT NOT MUCH AS MY CR-
"Hellooo~earth to (y/n)~" Mark snapped his fingers in front of my face.

I tuned back in and blushed at the thought I was about to finish. "Are you okay? Do you have a fever?" Mark asked.

He put his big hand on my forehead and I shook my head, unable to say anything.

"N-no! I'm fine, I just-um-it's getting a little stuffy in this train. I think I'll take a breather outside." I stuttered. 'Dang nabbit. Stap stuttering you babbling idiot!' I thought.

"I'll go with you. Remember the last time you were out there? Oh, I also want to take a breather." He smiled a cute smile.

'HOLD THE FANGIRL IN. I REPEAT, HOLD THE FANGIRL IN!' My cheeks betrayed me and blushed anyways.

I nodded and stared to walk out, Mark towing behind me.

(Mark is now Markiplier. The old Mark died, remember? Just in case you got lost and I was too lazy to write Markimoo)

Le time skip~

"BLEH!" I yelled out in boredom. Cry was teaching Clem how to shoot since I already did her hair and I was bored as frick.

"Alright...keep breath steady."

"Like when I'm swimming?"

"Just a little. Now aim a little to the right."

She aimed to the left. "A little higher." I blurt out. She nodded and did as I told. She pulled the trigger and after a few times she did herself.

"We'll graduate you to walkers one day." She smiled and nodded.

Cry looked at me and I to him. We smiled a little and I heard Clem squeal a little.

We both turned to her, confused. "You guys are like boyfriend and girlfriend!" She squealed.

We both looked at each other and blushed. His ears were showing and they were red. I held my cheeks to stop the blush.

'Dang nabbit, I've been blushing a lot lately...' I thought. I gulp and looked at Clem.

I playfully glared at her and started to get up. Her eyes widened and she started running around the car. I was chasing her in circles with Cry in the middle.

I caught her and started to tickle her. Cry snuck up behind me and started to tickle me. Clem and Cry gave each other a look and they both started to tickle me.

By now I was laughing and crying. "S-stap! IM DYING! PLEASE HAVE MERCEH ON MEH!" I yelled out.

After a few minutes they stopped and I was trying to catch my breath. "You, are evil. Same with you Clem!" I said pointing at Cry.

"It's not nice to point, (y/n)~" he sang. I pouted and started to cuddle and squish Clem.

"No! Ahhhhhh! Stop! You're hurting my cheek!!" She screamed. I chuckled and continued to do it.

Cry looked at us and sat me in his lap to which I blushed. Clem was on my lap and her weight pushed me down onto Cry.

Which made me unable to escape. Cry did the same thing to me from what I was doing to Clem.

I feel her pain now...

A/n: After many days, she updates XD I'm sorry for not updating sooner!

Stress is getting to me and I have to watch The Walking Dead gameplay again since I forgot it.

Everything is moving on, slowly. I have to do little time skips here and there.

Why did you blush a lot in this chapter? ;) Who do you love? Will this fanfic become a

Markiplier x reader

Pewdiepie x reader


Stay as a Cryoatic x reader?

Find out soon!

Again, I'm sorry for like, a week?

Hope you enjoyed! Byeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

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