Chapter 24: Not A Princess

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Note: This is the last chapter, unfortunately. Just to let you know, there's a YouTube video up top of you haven't noticed. You can listen to it now or later up to you.

After (y/n)'s death, Cry was determined to get out. He wanted to find you. Pewds and Marzia died at the fall. Cry didn't know what happened to them, but he was now alone.

Soon, he completed the game. But nothing was changing. He felt lost and lonely without his friends and you, especially. As he sat there beside the door, Clem holds onto his hand tightly.

"Please...please don't leave me...!" She begs. Cry shakes his head and gently smiles at her.

"I'm afraid I can't keep that promise. Run now and...Clem...stay alive. For (y/n) and me." He sputters out blood. Cry covers his mouth with his hand and coughed. Blood was found on his hand.

"C-cry?" Her eyes widen in realization.

"N-no! I can't-I can't just leave you here. You have to stay alive!" Clem continues.

Cry's skin was deathly pale. His breaths, ragged and short. Blood splattered all over him and his wound open, again. He looks up at the little girl and memories flash through his eyes.

"Stay alive...Clem." He breaths out.

"I-I promise. Say hi to (y/n) for least...please!" She whispers. He nodded and said, "My fate is in your hands. I hate to put this on you...but I...I can barely move..."

Clem nods and shakily gets up. She pauses and looks at Cry. She smiles softly and whispers, "O-okay...."

Clem picks up the pistol and aims straight for his head. She stops her body from trembling and calms down.

Her finger was now on the trigger and she cries even more. Tears stream down from her brown eyes and her nose was red from the sniffles she did.

Her finger pushes into the trigger and the bullet went through Cry's head.

Cry was dead.

"I promise." She whispers as Cry slumps to the ground with a small smile on his face.


Cry wakes up and his heart stops when he saw white. Then, he heard the beep of the heart monitor.

It was beeping fast and he looked around frantically. "Uhm, w-where am I?" He mumbles and looks around some more.

"You're in a hospital." A voice speaks up from the door. He jumps and looks at the door.

"Hello, Ryan, or Cry, as you like to be called. My name is Ogre, you probably recognize me, don't you?" The man speaks up.

Everything clicks and he looks at Ogre, shocked. "Y-you're from Mad Father a-and Misao." He said.

Ogre nods his head and smiles devilishly. "Indeed I am, young gamer. It seems you have escaped the game. But you still have one objective." He smirks.

"I don't hav-oh...(y/n)...I-I have to find her!!" He yells at the end. Ogre sighs and takes off his hat.

"No, you have one more game to complete. There you shall find your beloved (y/n) and escape...hopefully." He paused.

"You sent me to The Walking Dead?! I knew I shouldn't have trusted you!" Cry confronts Ogre.

"Now, now, let's not be hasty. It's not like the previous game. In this one, it is not easy to escape. Would you like to be sent there now?" Ogre adds. Cry thought about it.

Not A Princess | Cryaotic x Reader ✓Where stories live. Discover now